uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.3.1 Business processes that are to be made persistent

Execution status and execution logs of a business process to be made persistent are recorded, allowing you to easily follow process execution progress, and re-execute the process if an error occurs. You can specify a persistent business process when adding the business process in the development environment.

When you perform the following operations, set the business processes to be persistent:

Managing process instance execution logs
  • Collecting process instance execution logs by using commands
  • Collecting process instance execution logs by using windows in the operating environment

Re-executing process instances
  • Re-executing process instances by using commands
  • Re-executing process instances by using windows in the operating environment
  • Re-executing process instances by using a service requester (SOAP communication or Session Bean)

For details about how to add a new business process, see 5.2.1 Adding a business process in the Service Platform Basic Development Guide.

For persistent business processes, you cannot use the specified list repetition method of the while activity.