uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.3.2 Business processes that are not to be made persistent

If business processes are not made persistent, the execution status and execution logs are not recorded. Therefore, specify the non-persistent setting for business processes that are required to exhibit high performance. You can specify a non-persistent business process when adding a business process in the development environment.

Note that some processes can be performed only in a persistent business process (not in a non-persistent business process) due to restrictions. You can define a non-persistent business process if the following conditions are met:

  1. The business process does not include an invoke service activity that invokes services in an asynchronous service adapter.
  2. The business process does not include a wait activity.
  3. The business process does not include multiple receive activities.
  4. Process instances are not re-executed. (If an error occurs, the service invocation request (business process invocation) is re-executed from the service requester.)

For details about how to add a new business process, see 5.2.1 Adding a business process in the Service Platform Basic Development Guide.