uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.4 Transaction of a business process

For a persistent business process, output the status of an activity to database when executing the business process.

This sub-section describes the timing to determine the status of an activity (start transaction and commit transaction).

The following table describes timings for the start and commit of transactions:

Table 3-7 Timings for the start and commit of transactions

Process Timing
Start transaction When a message is received with the receive activity.
Immediately after committing the transaction before a synchronous communication model sends a message with the invoke service activity. Immediately after a transaction is committed before sending a message in the invoke service activity in case of a synchronous communication model.
Furthermore, immediately after committing the transaction before sending a message by the invoke service activity, when OFF is specified for business process status compatibility (bp-status-compatible in the HCSC server setup definition), and irrespective of the invoke service activity status compatibility (timing is same for both synchronous and asynchronous communication model).
Immediately after committing the transaction at the time of completion of the invoke service activity process, when business process status compatibility (bp-status-compatible in the HCSC server setup definition) is specified as OFF and invoke service activity status compatibility (bp-invoke-status-compatible in HCSC server setup definition) is specified as ON.
Furthermore, immediately after committing the transaction when an exception has occured in the invoke service activity process, when OFF is specified for business process status compatibility and also for invoke service activity status compatibility.
Just before executing the activity that occurs after processing the reply activity.
At the time of re-executing the process depending on the process re-execution utility.
Immediately after the timer is released with the interval or time limit specified for a wait activity.
Immediately after committing the transaction when a wait activity process is complete.
Immediately after committing the transaction at the start of a scope activity that controls transaction.
Immediately after committing the transaction at the end of a scope activity that controls transaction.
Commit transaction Just before responding with a message in reply activity.
Just before sending a message in the invoke service activity in case of a synchronous communication model.
Furthermore, just before sending a message with the invoke service activity, when OFF is specified for business process compatibility (bp-status-compatible in HCSC server setup definition) and irrespective of the specification for the invoke service activity status compatibility (timing is same for both synchronous and asynchronous communication model).
When the process for the invoke service activity is completed, if OFF is specified for business process compatibility (bp-status-compatible in the HCSC server setup definition) and ON is specified for invoke service activity status compatibility.
Furthermore, when an exception has occurred in the process for the invoke service activity, when OFF is specified for business process compatibility and OFF is specified for invoke service activity status compatibility.
When the processing of the business process ends after executing all executable activities.
Just before registering timer in TimerService for J2EE server of the interval or time limit specified in the wait activity.
When the process for the wait activity is complete.
When starting the scope activity that controls the transaction.
When finishing the scope activity that controls the transaction.

The timings of the start and commit transaction differ depending on whether ON or OFF is specified for business process compatibility (bp-status-compatible of HCSC server setup definition) and invoke service activity status compatibility (bp-invoke-status-compatible in HCSC server setup definition).

Invoke service activity status compatibility is valid when the business process status compatibility is specified as OFF.

When you specify ON for the invoke service activity status compatibility, operation will be same as service platform version 08-70 or earlier.

The following are examples for respective start and commit transaction timings.

Organization of this section
3.4.1 Transactions when ON is specified in compatibility with the business process status
3.4.2 Transactions when OFF is specified for compatibility with the business process status and ON is specified for compatibility with the invoke service activity status
3.4.3 Transactions when OFF is specified in both compatibility with the business process status and compatibility with the invoke service activity status
3.4.4 Transactionsof the invoke service activity
3.4.5 Transactionswhen you select the option to commit at start time and end time of scope
3.4.6 Transactionsof the scope activity
3.4.7 Transactions of the reply activity