uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.4.2 Transactions when OFF is specified for compatibility with the business process status and ON is specified for compatibility with the invoke service activity status

This subsection describes transactions if you specify OFF for compatibility with the business process status (bp-status-compatible) and ON for compatibility with the invoke service activity status (bp-invoke-status-compatible) in the HCSC server setup definition.

If you specify OFF for compatibility with the business process status and ON for compatibility with the invoke service activity status, the transaction terminates when processing of the invoke service activity starts or finishes. If an exception occurs during execution of the invoke service activity of the business process, Error is set in the status of the process instance and the invoke service activity.

Organization of this subsection
(1) If two synchronous invoke service activities are arranged
(2) If asynchronous and synchronous invoke service activities are arranged
(3) If two asynchronous invoke service activities are arranged
(4) If a data transformation activity exists after a synchronous invoke service activity

(1) If two synchronous invoke service activities are arranged

If processing continues successfully
The transaction is committed immediately before the message send process of each invoke service activity, and a new transaction starts. The transaction is also committed after the message send process finishes, and then a new transaction starts.
The following figure shows the transaction scope when processing continues successfully during the synchronous service invocation.

Figure 3-26 Transaction scope when processing continues successfully (synchronous service invocation)


If an exception occurs
If processing of service invocation 2 results in an error because of an exception, a rollback occurs up to the point where the transaction was committed (Reception: Completed, Service invocation 1: Completed, Service invocation 2: Executing). Then, Error is set in the status of the process instance and invoke service activity, and the transaction is committed.
The following figure shows the transaction scope if an exception occurs during the synchronous service invocation.

Figure 3-27 Transaction scope if an exception occurs (synchronous service invocation)


(2) If asynchronous and synchronous invoke service activities are arranged

If processing continues successfully
The transaction is committed immediately before the message send process of each invoke service activity, and a new transaction starts. The transaction is also committed after the message send process finishes, and then a new transaction starts.
The following figure shows the transaction scope when processing continues successfully during the asynchronous and synchronous service invocation.

Figure 3-28 Transaction scope when processing continues successfully (asynchronous and synchronous service invocation)


If an exception occurs (asynchronous and synchronous service invocation)
If processing of service invocation 2 results in an error because of an exception, a rollback occurs up to the point where the transaction was committed (Reception: Completed, Service invocation 1: Completed, Service invocation 2: Executing). Then, Error is set in the status of the process instance and invoke service activity, and the transaction is committed.
The following figure shows the transaction scope if an exception occurs during asynchronous and synchronous service invocation.

Figure 3-29 Transaction scope if an exception occurs (asynchronous and synchronous service invocation)


(3) If two asynchronous invoke service activities are arranged

If processing continues successfully
The transaction is committed immediately before the message send process of each invoke service activity, and a new transaction starts. The transaction is also committed after the message send process finishes, and then a new transaction starts.
The following figure shows the transaction scope when processing continues successfully during asynchronous service invocation.

Figure 3-30 Transaction scope when processing continues successfully (asynchronous service invocation)


If an exception occurs
If processing of service invocation 2 results in an error because of an exception, a rollback occurs up to the point where the transaction was committed (Reception: Completed, Service invocation 1: Completed, Service invocation 2: Executing). Then, Error is set in the status of the process instance and invoke service activity, and the transaction is committed.
The following figure shows the transaction scope if an exception occurs during the asynchronous service invocation.

Figure 3-31 Transaction scope if an exception occurs (asynchronous service invocation)


(4) If a data transformation activity exists after a synchronous invoke service activity

If processing continues successfully
The transaction is committed immediately before the message send process of each invoke service activity, and a new transaction starts. The transaction is also committed after the message send process finishes, and then a new transaction starts.
Note that the transaction is not committed in the data transformation activity. This applies even for an activity other than those shown in Table 3-7 Timings for the start and commit of transactions.
The following figure shows the transaction scope when processing continues normally in the presence of an activity such as data transformation.

Figure 3-32 Transaction scope when processing continues successfully (when activities such as data transformation exist)


If an exception occurs (when activities such as data transformation exist)
If an error occurs in the data transformation process after service invocation 1, a rollback occurs up to the point where the transaction was committed (Reception: Completed, Service invocation 1: Completed, Data transformation: Not executed).
The following figure shows the transaction scope if an exception occurs in the presence of activities, such as data transformation.

Figure 3-33 Transaction scope if an exception occurs (when activities such as data transformation exist)
