uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.4.7 Transactions of the reply activity

The transaction control of the reply activity is described here.

For details on how to asynchronously execute the activity defined after reply activity, see "3.7 Asynchronous execution of an activity that is defined after reply activity".

Organization of this subsection
(1) Transaction control when an activity is not defined after the reply activity
(2) Transaction control when an activity is defined after the reply activity
(3) Transaction and status transition of the reply activity

(1) Transaction control when an activity is not defined after the reply activity

When an activity is not defined after the reply activity, the status of the reply activity during the execution of the reply activity transitions to (Completed), and the transaction is committed just before responding with a message.

Figure 3-44 Transaction control when an activity is not defined after the reply activity


(2) Transaction control when an activity is defined after the reply activity

(a) When you use Reliable Messaging for executing the activity after the reply

When an activity is defined after the reply activity and you use Reliable Messaging for executing the activity after reply, transaction control is as follows:

  1. When an activity is defined after the reply activity and you use Reliable Messaging for executing the activity after reply, the status of the reply activity during the execution of the reply activity transitions to (Completed).
  2. The request to process asynchronous execution of the activity defined after the reply activity is executed for Reliable Messaging, and the transaction is committed just before response message.
  3. The activity defined after the reply activity is executed asynchronously from Reliable Messaging.
  4. Transaction is started before executing the activity defined after the reply activity.

    Figure 3-45 Transaction control when an activity is defined after the reply activity and Reliable Messaging is used for execution of the activity after reply


(b) If asynchronous EJB is used for executing the activity after reply

When an activity is defined after the reply activity and you use asynchronous EJB to execute the activity after reply, transaction control is as follows:

  1. At the time of executing the reply activity, the status of reply activity transits to (Completed).
  2. The request to process the asynchronous execution of the activity defined after reply is executed for asynchronous EJB, and the status of reply activity transits to (Completedwait).
  3. Transaction is committed just before response message.
  4. The activity defined after reply is executed asynchronously from asynchronous EJB and the status of reply activity transits to (Completed).
  5. Transaction is started before executing the activity defined after reply.

    Figure 3-47 Transaction control when an activity is defined after reply activity and asynchronous EJB is used for executing the activity after reply


(3) Transaction and status transition of the reply activity

The following lists the transaction and status transition of the reply activity.

Table 3-11 Transaction and status transition of the reply activity

Reply activity operation When Reliable Messaging is used for executing the reply activity When asynchronous EJB is used for executing the reply activity
Start Transition to status Completed Completed
Transaction control N# N #
Asynchronous execution request to Reliable Messaging Transition to status - (Non-executable)
Transaction control N
Asynchronous execution response from Reliable Messaging Transition to status -
Transaction control N
Asynchronous execution request to asynchronous EJB Transition to status (Non-executable) (Completedwait)
Transaction control N #
Asynchronous execution response from asynchronous EJB Transition to status Completed
Transaction control N #
Omission Transition to status Omission Omission
Transaction control N N
Unomission Transition to status Unomission Unomission
Transaction control N N

N: Transaction is not committed.
-: No transition.

Transaction is not committed at this point, but at the timing of a subsequent transaction control.