uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.4.4 Transactionsof the invoke service activity

The transactions for each invoke service activity and status transition is as follows:

Organization of this subsection
(1) When ON is specified for business process status compatibility (bp-status-compatible in the HCSC server setup definition file)
(2) When OFF is specified for business process status compatibility (bp-status-compatible in the HCSC server setup definition file)

(1) When ON is specified for business process status compatibility (bp-status-compatible in the HCSC server setup definition file)

The following table shows transactions of the invoke service activity and status transition when ON is specified for business process status compatibility. Status transition is same irrespective of the settings of invoke service activity status compatibility (bp-invoke-status-compatible in the HCSC server setup definition file).

Table 3-8 Properties of transaction and status transition when ON is specified for business process status compatibility (bp-status-compatible in HCSC server setup definition file)

Invoke service activity operation Specify ON for invoke service activity status compatibility Specify OFF for invoke service activity status compatibility (Default)
Asynchronous Synchronous Asynchronous Synchronous
Sending request message N Y(Executing)# N Y(Executing)#
Receiving response message (successfully completed) N N N N
Receiving response message (occurrence of a system exception) N N N N

Y: Controls transaction.
N: Does not control transaction.

Committed status is mentioned within ( ).

For details on the HCSC server setup definition file, see" HCSC server setup definition file "in "Service Platform Reference Guide".

(2) When OFF is specified for business process status compatibility (bp-status-compatible in the HCSC server setup definition file)

The following table shows transactions of the invoke service activity and status transition when OFF is specified for business process status compatibility. Status transition differs depending on the settings of invoke service activity status compatibility (bp-invoke-status-compatible in the HCSC server setup definition file).

Table 3-9 Properties for transaction and status transition when OFF is specified for business process status compatibility (bp-status-compatible in the HCSC server setup definition file)

Invoke service activity operation Specify ON for invoke service activity status compatibility Specify OFF for service invoke service activity status compatibility (Default)
Asynchronous Synchronous Asynchronous Synchronous
Sending request message Y(Executing)# Y(Executing)# Y(Executing)# Y(Executing)#
Receiving response message (successful completion) Y(Completed)# Y(Completed)# N N
Receiving response message (system exception generation) Y(Error status)# Y((Error status)# Y(Error status)# Y(Error status)#

Y: Controls transaction.
N: Does not control transaction.

Committed status is mentioned within ( ).

If an error occurs in an activity after successfully executing the invoke service activity, message sending to the asynchronous service queue of the invoke service activity and updating the process of the database that invokes DB adapter is enabled.

For details on the HCSC server setup definition file, see "HCSC server setup definition file" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".