uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


1.3.1 Functionality for setting up the execution environment

In the operating environment, you can use commands to set up an HCSC server in the execution environment. When you set up the HCSC server, you can also set up a cluster.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Functionality for setting up an HCSC server and clusters

(1) Functionality for setting up an HCSC server and clusters

The following figure shows an overview of setting up an HCSC server.

Figure 1-12 Overview of setting up an HCSC server


If you execute a command in the operating environment, the HCSC server is set up by acquiring necessary information required from the HCSC server configuration definition file and setup definition file already created.

Setting up an individual HCSC server
Although the cluster name is specified when the command is executed, a cluster is not configured because only one HCSC server is set up at this stage.
When you set up another HCSC server, you can configure a cluster by specifying the cluster name.

Configuring a cluster by using an HCSC server that is already set up
If you execute the command by specifying a cluster name that was specified for setting up another HCSC server, you can set up the HCSC server that configures a cluster with the already set up HCSC server.