uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.5.6 Names and number of queues used in an MDB (DB queue)

The queue names and the number of queues described in the table below are used in the execution environment of an HCSC server. The following table shows the names and number of queues used in a database (database queue).

Table 2-4 Names and number of queues used in a database (database queue)

No. Use Description Queue type Queue type Number of queues Remarks
1 For asynchronous (MDB (DB queue)) standard reception Queue that receives requests from the TP1/EE system of the service requester side Shared receive queue
  • In the case of a single configuration and load balance cluster
  • For an HA cluster
1 --
2 For MDB (DB queue) adapters Queue that is transmitted to the database queue of the service component side Shared send queue CSC_cluster-name adapter-name Number of asynchronous MDB (DB queue) adapters --
3 Dead message queue Shared with the dead message queue for an MDB (WS-R) Local queue or transmit queue Any name One per system Same as the dead message queue in WS-R
4 Response queue Used when receiving a response of service component invocation Shared send queue Any name Any number --

--: Not applicable