uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


4.5 Complementing name space prefixes specified in attribute values of XML messages

You can use the QName type as the type of attribute values of the XML schema in the user messages flowing within an HCSC server. In this case, if you output a child element extracted as a sub tree from the XML document as shown in the following figure, the name space declaration of xmlns:prefix will be omitted.

Figure 4-4 Omission of the name space declaration during acquisition of a sub tree


If the name space declaration is omitted, the following problems might occur:

For prefixes of child elements, the name space is resolved when the sub tree is acquired.

To correct such problems, specify ON in the xmltelegram-namespace-complement property of the HCSC server runtime definition file. However, if you specify ON, note that the message size becomes longer than when OFF is specified.

For details about the HCSC server runtime definition file, see HCSC Server Runtime definition file in the Service Platform Reference Guide.