uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


4.4.3 Precautions on checking the operation status

Organization of this subsection
(1) About synchronization between the status of service components and the status of service adapters
(2) About differences in the results of checking the operation status and the actual status
(3) About the status of request reception

(1) About synchronization between the status of service components and the status of service adapters

The functionality for checking the operation status is used to check the status of the service adapters deployed on the HCSC server and not to check the status of service components. Therefore, when checking the operation status, service components and service adapters must start and stop in synchronization. If a service adapter is running but a service component has stopped, a request for service component invocation causes an error.

(2) About differences in the results of checking the operation status and the actual status

Even if you confirm that the service adapter is running during the operation status check, if the service adapter stops immediately after the check, an error occurs when you send a request for service component invocation. Therefore, you must consider that even if the running status of the service adapter is confirmed in the service requester, an error might return in response to a request for service component invocation if the service adapter has stopped.

(3) About the status of request reception

If the request reception of the HCSC server is not running, an error occurs when you check the operation status of the service adapter in the service requester. Therefore, you must consider that an error might return in response to a request for checking the operation status of the service adapter from the service requester if the request reception has stopped.