uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


1.1.3 Functionality for creating service adapters

Service adapter is one of the HCSC components used for invoking service components.

The service platform provides various service adapters according to the usage, such as other systems, databases, and files. The service platform also provides a customer adapter developed by using a custom adapter development framework, to support systems having protocols not directly supported by the system adapters that are provided.

The following table lists the types of service adapters that can be used in the service platform:

Table 1-1 Types of service adapters

Type Usage
SOAP adapter To invoke service components by using Web service (SOAP communication)
SessionBean adapter To invoke service components by using SessionBean
MDB (WS-R) adapter To invoke service components created with MDB (Message Driven Bean) by using WS-R (WS-Reliability)
MDB (DB queue) adapter To invoke asynchronous service components by using DB queue
DB adapter To use database operations as service components
TP1 adapter To invoke service components available in the existing OpenTP1 system
File adapter To input and output files directly to the local disk on the HCSC server
Object Access adapter To invoke service components of existing TPBroker system (Object Wrapper system)
Message Queue adapter To send and receive messages to existing message queue (IBM WebSphere MQ system)
FTP adapter To send and receive files between the service platform and FTP server
File operations adapter To perform layout conversion, character code conversion, duplication, deletion, compression, and expansion of files
Mail adapter To invoke the mail server that supports SMTP protocol as a service component on the service platform
HTTP adapter To invoke resources published on a Web server and Web services (RESTful Web service) published in the REST style.
Custom adapter To invoke service components of a system with protocols not directly supported by the system adapters provided in the service platform

The following figure shows an example of the screen used for creating a service adapter:

Figure 1-3 Example of the screen used for creating a service adapter


Define the details on these screens after you newly add a service adapter by using the wizard. Furthermore, if you create a service adapter by diverting an already created service adapter, you can duplicate and use the existing service adapter.

For details on service adapter definitions, see "3. Defining Adapters" in "Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide".