uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


4.6.2 Combination of variables (Message type) when data is not transformed

You can perform the operation that does not transform data by setting any format. The prerequisites when data is not transformed are as follows:

Combination of message types when data is not transformed in reception and service adapter is as follows:

Table 4-11 Combination of message types when data is not transformed in reception

Component type Type or method of data Variable (Message type)
XML non-XML any
Request Response Request Response Request Response
Standard reception (Web service) invokeXML Y Y A A A A
invokeBinary A A Y Y Y Y
Standard reception (SessionBean) invokeXML Y Y A A A A
invokeBinary A A Y Y Y Y
Standard reception (MDB (WS-R)) onMessage Y Y Y Y Y Y
Standard reception (MDB (Database queue)) onMessage Y Y Y Y Y Y
User-defined reception (SOAP reception) Y Y A A A A
User-defined reception (Custom reception) invokeXML XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A A A A A
any Y Y Y Y Y Y
invokeBinary XML A A A A A A
non-XML A A Y Y A A
any Y Y Y Y Y Y
User-defined reception (TP1 and RPC reception) XML A A A A A A
non-XML A A Y Y Y Y
any Y Y Y Y Y Y
User-defined reception (FTP reception) XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A A A A A
any A A A A A A
User-defined reception (HTTP reception) XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A Y Y Y Y
any A A Y Y Y Y
User-defined reception (Message Queue reception) XML Y Y A A Y Y
non-XML A A Y Y Y Y
any Y Y Y Y Y Y

Y: Supporting.
A: Not supporting.

Table 4-12 Combination of message types when data is not transformed in service adapter

Component type Data type Variable (Message type)
XML non-XML any
Request Response Request Response Request Response
SOAP adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML - - - - - -
any - - - - - -
SessionBean adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML - - - - - -
any - - - - - -
MDB (WS-R) adapter XML Y - A - A -
non-XML A - Y - A -
any - - - - - -
MDB (Database queue) adapter XML Y - A - A -
non-XML A - Y - A -
any - - - - - -
DB adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A A A A A
any A A A A A A
TP1 adapter XML A A A A A A
non-XML A A Y Y A A
any A A A A Y Y
FTP adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A A A A A
any A A A A A A
File adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A Y Y A A
any A A A A A A
Object Access adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A A A A A
any A A A A A A
Message Queue adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A Y Y A A
any A A A A A A
File operations adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A A A A A
any A A A A A A
Mail adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A A A A A
any A A A A A A
HTTP adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A Y Y A A
any A A A A Y Y
Custom adapter XML Y Y A A A A
non-XML A A Y Y A A
any A A A A Y Y

Y: Supporting.
A: Not supporting.
-: Cannot create.

The following table describes whether HCSC component wherein any format is set is supported or not when stand-alone service is executed.

Table 4-13 Possibility of supporting HCSC components when stand-alone service is executed

Component name Method Setting of format definition file
Request Response
Standard reception (Web service) invokeXML A A
invokeBinary Y Y
Standard reception (SessionBean) invokeXML A A
invokeBinary Y Y
Standard reception (MDB (WS-R)) onMessage Y Y
Standard reception (MDB (Database queue)) onMessage Y Y

Y: Supporting.
A: Not supporting.