uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.1.4 Data transformation

Organization of this subsection
(1) Function
(2) Activity to be used

(1) Function

With data transformation, you can convert the message format that flows over the business process to a different message format, and process the values. Furthermore, you can also combine multiple messages to create one message.

Use data transformation in cases such as when you must create a message as per the service component request message format at the time of invoking a service component, and when you want to convert the response message from the service component to a different message format.

The following figure shows the flow of data transformation in a business process:

Figure 3-4 Flow of data transformation in a business process


(2) Activity to be used

Use the data transformation activity for data transformation.

The following figure shows an example of data transformation:

(Example 1) 1 on 1 data transformation


(Example 2) N to 1 data transformation


The following table describes the processes that can be performed by data transformation:

Table 3-1 List of processes that can be performed by data transformation

Process Description
Concatenate Concatenates multiple strings.
Acquire substring Extracts some portion from one string.
Acquire string length Assigns string length of the string to the mapping destination.
Check string Checks if the specified string is included in the string and the string starts with the specified string, and assigns the logical value to the mapping destination.
Trim node Removes any blank space in the first character and last character of the string. Furthermore, converts the spaces between strings into one-byte space.
Convert number format Converts the number format. You can change the decimal-point character and the digit separator.
Perform node operation Does number calculation. (+, -, *, div, mod).
Round node Rounds up numbers after the decimal. (Round-off, truncate, round-up)
Sum up nodes Adds up node numbers of multiple node sets.
NOT operation Executes a logical negation operation.
Logical operation Executes logical operation. (AND, OR, XOR).
Shift operation Executes shift operation.
Acquire node count Assigns a node to the mapping destination.
Acquire node name Assigns a node name to the mapping destination.
Check node Checks if there are specified conversion source nodes and assigns the logical value to the mapping destination.
Repeat Maps repeat. You can also sort instances of conversion destination nodes that appear more than once.
Select Outputs a different value depending on the conditions.
Change value Converts the mapping source value based on the specifications in the conversion table, and assigns to mapping destination.
Base conversion Executes base conversion.
Custom Can process and create nodes of the value in the Java program created by user.
Set constant Assigns a specified value to the mapping destination.