uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


1.1.7 Packaging

Packaging implies assembling HCSC components created in the development environment and the required information in the EAR file format, and then saving in the repository.

In the development environment, you can execute packaging using a window.

The following figure shows an overview of packaging:

Figure 1-9 Packaging


When executing the packaging functionality from the development environment, the information required for packaging will be acquired from the repository and the HCSC components will be validated.

As a result of validation, if all the definitions required for HCSC components are defined, the EAR file will be created.

If the HCSC components have any flaws, packaging will be suspended.

The created EAR file will be saved in the repository. In the execution environment, you use the operating environment to deploy HCSC components of the EAR file format that are saved in the repository.