uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


1.1.6 Functionality for defining deployment

You can deploy HCSC components while mutually exchanging information between the development environment and the operating environment via a repository.

The following figure shows an overview of deploying HCSC components.

Figure 1-8 Deploying HCSC components


In the operating environment, when you set up an HCSC server and a cluster, the configuration information of the execution environment (system configuration definition) available in the repository is updated. The updated system configuration definition is exported by using the repository management functionality.

In the development environment, import the system configuration definition including the setup information of the HCSC server and clusters that are exported in the operating environment into the repository. Then, update the system configuration definition by adding a definition of the HCSC server to which HCSC components are deployed (deployment definition), and then export the updated system configuration definition.

To specify a deployment definition in the development environment, deploy service components in clusters or by using a single HCSC server.

Then, import the system configuration definition updated in the development environment into the repository of the operating environment. Deploy HCSC components in the execution environment according to the system configuration definition.

For details about exporting repositories, see 4.2 Exporting repositories in the Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide. For details about importing repositories, see 4.3 Importing repositories in the Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide.