uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


1.1.5 Functionality for creating data transformation definitions

A data transformation definition defines how to transform message data sent from a service requester in the execution environment and how to transform the format of the data transferred between service components.

After creating the transformation source and destination schema files, define transformation processing based on the created schema files. For example, you can determine the transformation-destination elements and attributes to which the elements and attributes of the transformation source will be converted (mapped).

If you create in advance an Excel file defining the combination of transformation sources and destinations, you can set mapping information as a batch in the window. When defining many connections or applying the same mapping to multiple business processes, using this file improves development efficiency.

The following figure shows an example of the window used for creating data transformation definitions.

Figure 1-6 Example of a window for creating data transformation definitions


In the window for defining data transformation, you can connect (map) the transformation source and destination, and visually define the assigned value from the transformation source to the transformation destination.

If you want to process transformation source data and then assign it to the transformation destination, you can specify functions. The functions include the functionality for connecting character strings and computing numeric values, etc.

The following figure shows an example of using functions to process data.

Figure 1-7 Example of using functions to process data


You can also specify the settings for iteration processing when multiple transformation source data is available and for assigning data only when certain conditions are met.