uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.1.7 SWITCH

Organization of this subsection
(1) Function
(2) Activities to be used

(1) Function

During switch, you can switch a processing within a business process depending on the judgment result of the condition. A single or multiple activities are placed in the processing of the switch destination.

The following figure shows the switch procedure in a business process:

Figure 3-7 Procedure of switch in a business process


(2) Activities to be used

Use the switch start activity at the location in which switching starts and the switch end activity at the location in which switching ends. You can set up multiple (two or more) switch destinations.

The condition expression used for the judgment of switch is specified as an XPath for variables such as the XML message. Based on this condition expression, specify the activity at each transition destination.

Note that you must set up one or more activities between a switch start activity and the corresponding switch end activity. Therefore, if you want to transit to the next process without executing any processing in one switch destination, place an empty activity.

The following figure shows an example of arrangement of activities when you want to transit to the next process without executing any processing in one switch destination:

Figure 3-8 Example of arrangement of activities when you want to transit to the next process without executing any processing in one switch destination
