uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


1.1 Functional overview of the development environment

The development environment of the service platform is used to define service adapters and business processes to be operated in the execution environment. The development environment provides the following main functionality:

You can define the above functionality by using windows of the development environment.

The functionality for validating the consistency of definitions created by using windows of the development environment is also provided. HCSC component validationfunctionality can be used at any stage, such as during or after creation of HCSC components.

The following subsections give an overview of the functionality.

Organization of this section
1.1.1 Functionality for creating message formats
1.1.2 Functionality for creating user-defined reception
1.1.3 Functionality for creating service adapters
1.1.4 Functionality for creating business processes
1.1.5 Functionality for creating data transformation definitions
1.1.6 Functionality for defining deployment
1.1.7 Packaging
1.1.8 Functionality for deploying to starting or stopping to deleting HCSC components, in a batch
1.1.9 Functionality for creating service requesters
1.1.10 Functionality for debugging business processes