uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.10.1 Invoking service components using Message Queue reception

You can use Message Queue reception to invoke a business process from JMS provider message queue (IBM WebSphere MQ) through MQ resource adapter.

The following figure shows the flow of service component invocation using Message Queue reception:

Figure 2-56 Invoking a service component from JMS provider (message queue) using Message Queue reception


Message Queue reception receives request messages through MQ resource adapter. Message Queue reception receiving a service component execution request invokes the business process and executes all types of service components through the service adapter.

Use MDB (Message-Driven Bean) to receive a request message.

A response message is not returned from Message Queue reception.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Overview of WebSphere MQ
(2) Send option of Message Queue reception
(3) Relation between Message Queue reception and MQ resource adapter
(4) Relation between Message Queue reception and queues
(5) Relation between Message Queue reception and business processes
(6) Example of Message Queue reception configuration
(7) Transactions performed while using Message Queue reception
(8) Preventing duplicate message delivery while using Message Queue reception
(9) Setting number of times of message rollback

(1) Overview of WebSphere MQ

Use WebSphere MQ (manufactured by IBM) as JMS provider in Message Queue reception. WebSphere MQ is asynchronous communication infrastructure of message queueing type for data communication between system programs of different models.

Message Queue reception is supported in WebSphere MQ version 7.5.

The following figure shows WebSphere MQ configuration:

Figure 2-57 WebSphere MQ configuration


Queue manager: Management program organizing queues and listeners
Queue: Queue object organizing JMS objects
Listener: Listener to receive or send messages by queue manager
Queue manager of WebSphere MQ cannot access the server by channel authentication in initial status. For this, it is necessary to change the setting so that channel authentication is not used or to change the channel authentication rules set by default. For WebSphere MQ setting methods, see IBM manual.

(2) Send option of Message Queue reception

You can specify the send option (JMS header and properties) to send messages. The following shows details of send options of Message Queue reception:

(a) Details of JMS header

All setting values of the send option (JMS header) are transformed to String type and are set in the header message. At this stage, if value is null or blank, the tag is blank.

The following table describes the details of JMS header:

Table 2-8 Details of JMS header

Header name Setting contents Setting time Possibility of setting in client
JMSDestination Queue name in which message is registered Set when QueueSession.createSender(Queue queue) method is issued. N
JMSDeliveryMode Value showing message persistence Set when the message is sent. N
JMSMessageID Message identifier to uniquely identify each message sent by the provider Set when the message is sent. N
JMSTimestamp Value showing message sending time (unit: milliseconds) Set when the message is sent. N
JMSExpiration Value showing time for which message is valid (unit: milliseconds) Set when the message is sent. N
JMSRedelivered Value showing whether the message is being redelivered Set when a message delivered to the application needs to be redelivered by recovery. N
JMSPriority Message priority You can specify by QueueSender.setPriority() method, or QueueSender.send() method. Y
JMSReplyTo Response destination address Set when Message.setJMSReplyTo() method is issued. Y
JMSCorrelationID Correlation identifier to correlate a message to another message Set when Message.setJMSCorrelationID() method is issued. Y
JMSType Message type provided by the application when a message is sent Set when Message.setJMSType() method is issued. Y

Y: Can be specified.
N: Cannot be specified.

(b) Details of properties

Message properties are configured from the properties set by JMS provider and properties that the user can set in the client.

Properties set by JMS provider
Properties set by JMS provider contain JMS standard properties and properties set by WebSphere MQ. All items in which either property is set are set in the header message.
  • JMS standard properties
    JMS standard properties are prefixed with the item name "JMSX".
    The following table lists and describes JMS standard properties:

    Table 2-9 List of JMS standard properties

    Item name Description
    JMSXUserID User ID of message sender
    JMSXAppID ID of message sending application
    JMSXDeliveryCount Number of times a message is re-received
    JMSXGroupID ID of group to which the message belongs
    JMSXGroupSeq Message order number in the group
    JMSXProducerTXID Transaction identifier
    JMSXConsumerTXID Transaction identifier
    JMSXRcvTimestamp Message reception time
    JMSXState Item used in the provider
  • Properties set by WebSphere MQ
    Properties set by WebSphere MQ are included in the properties for provider. Properties for provider are prefixed with the item name "JMS_". Among these properties, properties prefixed with the item name "JMS_IBM_" are WebSphere MQ properties.

Properties set by user
Properties that are optional to the user are set by using "set<Type name>Property(String name,<Type name> value)" method.
All values set in a property are transformed to String type and set in the header message.
The following table lists the data types that you can set in a property:

Table 2-10 List of data types you can set in a property

Data type Setting method
Boolean setBooleanProperty(String name, boolean value)
Byte#1 setByteProperty(String name, byte value)
Short setShortProperty(String name, short value)
Integer setIntProperty(String name, int value)
Long setLongProperty(String name, long value)
Float setFloatProperty(String name, float value)
Double setDoubleProperty(String name, double value)
String setStringProperty(String name, String value)
Object#2 setObjectProperty(String name, Object value)

If you set Byte type value, the item transformed to Integer type numeric value is set in the header message as a character string. The range of numeric values set is -127-127.

If Object is set in data type, you can use all data types (Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double and String).

(3) Relation between Message Queue reception and MQ resource adapter

MQ resource adapter is used for passing messages from JMS provider (IBM WebSphere MQ system) to Message Queue reception.

The connection relation between MQ resource adapter and Message Queue reception is that you can correlate multiple receptions for 1 resource adapter but you cannot correlate multiple resource adapters for 1 reception.

Specify the correlation of MQ resource adapter and Message Queue reception in Message Queue reception definition file. The specified contents are enabled when Message Queue reception starts. At this stage, you must start MQ resource adapter in advance, which is correlated with Message Queue reception. Setting contents of Message Queue reception are not enabled, since Message Queue reception cannot start if the correlated MQ resource adapter is not started.

The connection relation between Message Queue reception and MQ resource adapter is described here.

(a) Connection relations that can be set up (in MQ resource adapter)

You can set up one of the following connection relations:

The following figures show the examples:

(Example 1) If connection relation between resource adapter and reception is 1:1


  • 1 Message Queue reception correlates to 1 MQ resource adapter
  • 1 MQ resource adapter correlates to 1 Message Queue reception

(Example 2) If connection relation between resource adapter and reception is 1:n


  • Multiple Message Queue receptions correlate to 1 MQ resource adapter
  • 1 MQ resource adapter correlates to 1 Message Queue reception
(b) Connection relations that cannot be set up (in MQ resource adapter)

You cannot set n:1 configuration for connection relation between the resource adapter and reception, since you cannot specify multiple resource adapters for 1 reception.

The following figure shows an example:



  • 1 Message Queue reception correlates to 1 MQ resource adapter
  • Multiple MQ resource adapters correlate to 1 Message Queue reception

(4) Relation between Message Queue reception and queues

Queue is a queue object compiling JMS objects and is managed by the queue manager.

The connection relation between a queue and Message Queue reception is that multiple receptions can correlate to 1 queue but multiple queues cannot correlate to 1 reception.

The connection relation between Message Queue reception and queue is described here.

(a) Connection relations that can be set up (in queues)

You can set up one of the following connection relation:

The following figures show the examples:

(Example 1)If connection relation between a queue and reception is 1:1


  • 1 queue exists in 1 queue manager
  • 1 Message Queue reception correlates to 1 queue

(Example 2)If connection relation between a queue and reception is 1:n


  • 1 queue exists in 1 queue manager
  • 2 Message Queue receptions correlate to 1 queue
(b) Connection relations that cannot be set up (in queues)

You cannot set up n:1 configuration for connection relation between a queue and reception, since you cannot specify multiple queues for 1 reception.

(Example 1)If there is 1 queue manager


  • 2 queues exist in 1 queue manager
  • 1 Message Queue reception correlates to queue 1 and queue 2

(Example 2)If there are multiple queue managers


  • 2 queue managers exist
  • 1 queue exists in each queue manager
  • 1 Message Queue reception correlates to queue 1 and queue 2

(5) Relation between Message Queue reception and business processes

While creating a business process, you must match the receive activity communication model with the communication model of Message Queue reception.

You can set business process persistence as persistent or non-persistent.

However, please note that if you set non-persistent, there may be duplicate message delivery when a fault occurs.

The connection relation between a business process and Message Queue reception is that multiple receptions can correlate to 1 business process but multiple business processes cannot correlate to 1 reception.

The connection relation between Message Queue reception and business processes is described here.

(a) Connection relations that can be set up (in business processes)

You can set up one of the following connection relations:

The following figures show the examples:

(Example 1)If connection relation between a business process and reception is 1:1


  • 1 business process correlates to 1 Message Queue reception
  • 1 Message Queue reception correlates to 1 business process

(Example 2)If connection relation between a business process and reception is 1:n


  • 1 business process correlates to 1 Message Queue reception
  • Multiple Message Queue receptions correlate to 1 business process
(b) Connection relations that cannot be set up (in business processes)

You cannot set up n:1 configuration for connection relation between a business process and reception, since you cannot define multiple business processes for 1 reception.

The following figure shows an example:



  • Multiple business processes correlate to 1 Message Queue reception
  • 1 Message Queue reception correlates to 1 business process

(6) Example of Message Queue reception configuration

You can configure various systems according to the communication model used in Message Queue reception.

Configuration examples in the following cases are explained here.

(a) If Message Queue reception is used in asynchronous communication model

  1. A business process that defines Message Queue reception is created.
  2. Communication model of Message Queue reception is defined as "Asynchronous".

Example of configuration
The following figure shows an example of configuration of Message Queue reception and business process:

  1. Register the message in WebSphere MQ server queue from MQ client program.
  2. Message is sent from WebSphere MQ server to Message Queue reception (HCSC server).
  3. Message Queue reception invokes the business process.
  4. After all activity processes end, Message Queue reception process also ends.
  5. WebSphere MQ server commits the transaction and deletes the message from the queue.
    Reference note
    In this configuration example, the message is maintained till the request process is finished. Due to this, the message is not deleted from the queue while the business process is being processed. However, if the duplicate delivery prevention process is executed or if the message is moved by rollback restrictions, the message is not deleted from the queue. To prevent duplicate delivery of messages, see "(8) Preventing duplicate message delivery while using Message Queue reception".
(b) Using Message Queue reception in synchronous communication model

  1. A business process that defines Message Queue reception is created.
  2. Communication model of Message Queue reception is defined as "Synchronous".

Example of configuration
The following figure shows an example of configuration of Message Queue reception and business process:

  1. Register the message in WebSphere MQ server queue from MQ client program.
  2. Message is sent from WebSphere MQ server to Message Queue reception (HCSC server).
  3. Message Queue reception invokes the business process.
  4. After the reply activity process ends, the information required for execution after reply activity is stored in Reliable Messaging or asynchronous EJB and Message Queue reception process also ends.
  5. WebSphere MQ server commits the transaction and deletes the message from the queue.
  6. The activity set after reply activity is executed according to the information stored in Reliable Messaging or asynchronous EJB.
    Reference note
    In this configuration example, you can delete the message from the queue before processing of the business process ends. However, if an exception occurs in the processing of the business process after the reply activity, it is necessary to resend the request because the message is deleted from the queue.

(7) Transactions performed while using Message Queue reception

You must use transactions same as those of WebSphere MQ queue manager, since the queue rolls back when an exception occurs in Message Queue reception. For this, use a container management transaction for Message Queue reception transaction. By this, the transaction is committed at the same time as when WebSphere MQ queue is committed.

The following figure shows the range of transactions performed when Message Queue reception is used:

Figure 2-58 Range of transactions performed when Message Queue reception is used


Message Queue reception is processed by using transactions same as those of WebSphere MQ queue manager. However, the business process is processed by transactions different from WebSphere MQ queue manager. Due to this, the process terminates abnormally in Message Queue reception and even when the message returns to the beginning of the queue to execute rollback, the business process transaction might end normally. In this status, if the message is resent by rollback, the same process is re-executed in the business process in which the process was executed once. To prevent such processes, perform a process to prevent duplicate delivery of messages. To prevent duplicate delivery of messages, see "(8) Preventing duplicate message delivery while using Message Queue reception".

(8) Preventing duplicate message delivery while using Message Queue reception

If the request process ends abnormally, the business process for which the process is executed once is reprocessed when the message to execute rollback returns to the beginning of the queue and the message is resent.

Perform settings for preventing duplicate message delivery in Message Queue reception. With these settings, you can prevent re-execution of a business process that is already executed due to resending of a message.

(a) Preconditions to prevent duplicate delivery

If all the following conditions are met, check prevention duplicate delivery:

(b) Points to be considered when using prevention of duplicate delivery

The points to be considered when prevention of duplicate delivery is set are as follows:

(c) Measures to be taken when a fault occurs in a business process

Examples of the main faults occurring in business processes and the operations and actions to be performed when prevention of duplicate delivery is set are described here.

(Example 1)If a fault occurs before registering to the message correlation information table
Details on the display of execution history, request message status and actions to be taken in this case are as follows:
  • Display of execution history
    Not executed
  • Request message status
    Rolled back and request message is resent.
    If the cause is an invalid message (such as null), continue the rollback only for the number of executions of the specified rollback.
  • Action
    Set the number of rollback restrictions.
    Remove the message in which the fault occurred.

(Example 2)If a fault occurs during process execution of a business process
Details on the display of execution history, request message status and actions to be taken in this case are as follows:
  • Display of execution history
    Executing or error
  • Request message status
    Rolled back when fault occurred and committed as normal termination by duplicate delivery prevention check when the 2nd request message is sent.
  • Action
    Use the re-execution command or operating environment screen and re-execute the business process.

(Example 3)If a fault occurs after processing of a business process ends
The following shows execution history display, request message status and action in this case:
  • Execution history display
    Normal termination
  • Request message status
    Rolled back when fault occurred and committed as normal termination by duplicate delivery prevention check when the 2nd request message is sent.
  • Action
    Not required.

(Example 4)If a fault occurs after reply activity process of a business process ends
Details on the display of execution history, request message status and actions to be taken in this case are as follows:
  • Display of execution history
  • Request message status
    Request message is not sent because the queue is committed after the reply activity process ends.
  • Action
    Use the re-execution command or operating environment screen and re-execute the activity after the reply activity.

(9) Setting number of times of message rollback

Always roll back if a fault occurs during the request process in Message Queue reception. This is to prevent unlimited loops by moving messages to the queue specified in the dead letter queue of the queue manager or the back out re-queue of the queue.

Set the number of rollbacks in WebSphere MQ queue manager and the queue.

For details on the setting methods, see WebSphere MQ manual.

Items set in queue manager
The following table describes the setting item correlated to rollback set in the queue manager:

Table 2-11 Setting item correlated to rollback set in the queue manager

Setting item Setting contents Value that can be set Default value
DEADQ Dead letter queue name Queue name SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE

Items set in queue
The following table describes the setting items correlated to rollback set in queue:

Table 2-12 Setting items correlated to rollback set in queue

Setting item Setting contents Value that can be set Default value
BOTHRESH Backout threshold value 0-999999999 0
BOQNAME Backout re-queue name Queue name None
You must take care while specifying a value (time for which message is maintained) in QueueSender#send parameter set in the client. Even if the message is moved to the dead letter queue, it is deleted, if the time specified is exceeded.