uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


4.7.1 Overview of general faults for converting system exceptions to faults

The general fault message send functionality is used to convert a system exception that occurred in an activity to a fault message created in the common format and then send that message. This allows a fault to be sent from an activity that cannot generate a fault.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Some activities can throw a converted fault message which is system exception occurred in the activities
(2) Validation activity

(1) Some activities can throw a converted fault message which is system exception occurred in the activities

The following activities are applicable:

The following table describes the difference in operation when an exception occurs in an activity, based on different settings.

Table 4-14 Difference in operation when an exception occurs in an activity, based on different settings

Settings in the HCSC server runtime definition file Operation when an exception occurs in an activity
syserr-to-fault-convert=on Send a general fault message.
syserr-to-fault-convert=off A system exception occurs.

(2) Validation activity

For the validation activity, you can set the validate-fault-compatible property to change the type of fault message that is to be sent if the result of validation processing is invalid.

The following table describes the difference in operations (based on different settings) when the result of validation processing is invalid.

Table 4-15 Difference in operation (based on different settings) when the result of validation processing is invalid

Settings in the HCSC server runtime definition file Operation when the result of validation processing is invalid
validate-fault-compatible=on Send the fault message specific to the validation activity.#
validate-fault-compatible=off Send a general fault message.#

A fault message is sent only when validation-activity is set to ON in the HCSC server runtime definition file. If validation-activity is set to OFF, a fault message is not sent because validation processing itself is not performed.