uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


4.7.2 Flow of identifying the location of a system exception by using a general fault

If a system exception occurs in an activity, or if the result of validation processing by the validation activity is invalid, the exception can be converted to a general fault message, and then sent. Based on the information in the fault message, you can reference the KDEC20087-W message (used to identify error locations) output in the message log to investigate the location in which an error occurred and the cause of the error.

The following shows an example of a business process definition that catches a general fault in the scope.

Figure 4-7 Example of a business process definition that catches a general fault in the scope


The following describes how to use a general fault to identify the location in which a system exception occurred.

  1. In ScopeActivity 1, define an activity that sends general faults.
    If an exception occurs in the activity, a general fault is sent.
  2. The fault handler defined in ScopeActivity 1 catches the sent general fault (the fault message is stored in a variable).
  3. Use AssignActivity 2 to assign root application information from the general fault message to the response message.
    You can use a switch activity to separately define a response for normal processing and for a fault.
  4. Use ReplyActivity 2 to notify the requester (user) of the root application information acquired from the general fault message in step 3.
  5. Based on the root application information acquired in step 4, the user checks the message log and references the KDEC20087-W message used to identify error locations.

Reference note
The user can investigate the location in which an error occurred and the cause of the error by referencing the following information:
  • Information about the location in which an error occurred in a business process and the cause of the error contained in the KDEC20087-W message used to identify error locations
  • Error messages output around the KDEC20087-W message (used to identify error locations) in the message log