uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.8.5 Exclusive control while reading and writing files

Exclusive control while operating files in the file adapter prevents conflict and data inconsistencies in the process.

Exclusive control occurs in file units that are to be processed in 1 file adapter. Accordingly, if a file being processed in the file adapter is operated from an external application, there is no exclusive control. If a single HCSC server uses multiple file adapters, there is no exclusive control between file adapters. Use of 1 file adapter is recommended for files in identical formats.

The following table describes exclusive control during reading and writing of files:

Table 2-7 Exclusive control during reading and writing of files

Exclusive control Reading Writing
Exclusive reference (while reading) Y N
Exclusive update (while writing) N N

Y: Can be processed.
N: Cannot be processed (standby status).

Organization of this subsection
(1) Exclusive reference
(2) Exclusive update

(1) Exclusive reference

Exclusive reference occurs if a file is read in the file adapter. You can read a file in exclusive reference but you cannot write in it. If you write in a file in exclusive reference, standby status occurs till the reading process being executed ends.

(2) Exclusive update

Exclusive update occurs if a file is written in the file adapter. You cannot read and write in a file in exclusive update. If you read or write in a file in exclusive update, standby status occurs till the writing process being executed ends.