uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


5.4 XML parser pool function of the data transformation process

In the data transformation process, analyze XML with the XML parser of Java in the following manner:

When you are using multiple threads at the same time, XML parser is generated per thread since you cannot share instances of these XML parsers with multiple threads. If you generate XML parsers per analysis, the performance degrades, since the XML parser generation process takes time.

If you use the XML parser pool function, you can save the XML parser generated in the XML parser pool which is created on memory. You can reuse XML parsers by sharing the XML parsers saved in the XML parser pool across the entire system, thereby improving the processing efficiency.

The following figure shows the process flow of saving the generated XML parser in the XML parser pool which is created on memory:

Figure 5-8 Process flow of saving the generated XML parser in the XML parser pool which is created on memory


The following figure shows the process of reusing the XML parser saved in the XML parser pool:

Figure 5-9 Process of reusing the XML parser saved in the XML parser pool


The maximum number of XML parsers that can be saved in the XML parser pool is 2,147,483,647 which is the maximum number of pools specified in option. When the number of threads that simultaneously use the XML parser exceed the maximum number of pools, stop the process till the XML parser is being used by other threads. When XML parser is no more in use, continue with the subsequent process.

The following figure shows the process to be performed when the numbers of threads simultaneously used by the XML parser exceed the maximum number of pools:

Figure 5-10 Process to be performed when the number of threads simultaneously using the XML parser exceeds the maximum number of pools


For the setup method for using the XML parser pool function, see "2.3.10 Using XML parser pool functionality option" in "Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide".