uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


4.8.1 Overview of component-common UOC

In component-common UOC, you can perform following two operations:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Creating instances of UOC class
(2) Invoking UOC class

(1) Creating instances of UOC class

Instances of UOC class are created when HCSC server is started and maintained in the memory.

Flow of generating instances of UOC class is as follows:

  1. Reading component-common UOC property file
    Read component-common UOC property file; create data of Map type which sets invoker ID of UOC class, key information, invoked class path of UOC class as value, perform settings for process of creating jar file.
    If reading of a property file fails, stop the process of starting an HCSC server after an exception log (KDEC11003-E) is output to message log.
  2. Reading jar file for component-common UOC and creating an interface
    Acquire class path from Map type data which is created by reading a property for component-common UOC, generate an instance of UOC class.
    Store instances of generated UOC class in Map type data that sets a class instance as value and a class path as key.
    When reading of class file fails, stop the process of starting HCSC server after outputting exception log (KDEC11002-E) to message log.

(2) Invoking UOC class

You can invoke UOC class in all component processes, since this class is invoked from common process of reception and common process of service adapter.

The following table describes process timing of component and existence of invocation of UOC class and process timing of a component:

Table 4-16 Process timing of a component and existence of invocation of UOC class

Type At the time of invocation At the time of start up At the time of completion At the time of termination
Normal Fault System exception
Standard reception A Y Y A A A
User-defined reception In SOAP reception A Y Y A A A
In reception other than SOAP Y Y Y A A Y
Business process A A A A A A
Service adapter A Y Y A A A

Y: UOC class is invoked.
A: UOC class is not invoked.

(a) Input information to UOC class

Summarize the input information to UOC class in object of Map type and pass it.

Acquire data based on constant number (key) defined in the interface for UOC.

When you are creating UOC class, define constant number (key) in the implemented interface.

The defined constant numbers are as follows:

Table 4-17 Defined constant number

Constant number name (Key name) Data type Setting contents
COMPO_TYPE int 1: Service adapter
2: Reception
COMPO_KIND String In reception
  • StandardWebService: Standard reception (Web service)
  • StandardSessionBean: Standard reception (SessionBean)
  • StandardWSR: Standard reception (MDB (WS-R))
  • StandardDBQ: Standard reception (MDB (Database queue))
  • WebService: SOAP reception
  • TP1 and RPC: TP1 and RPC reception
  • FTP: FTP reception
  • HTTP: HTTP reception
  • MessageQueue: Message Queue reception
  • Custom: Custom reception

In service adapter
  • WebService: SOAP adapter
  • SessionBean: SessionBean adapter
  • MDB_WSR: MDB (WS-R) adapter
  • MDB_DBQ: MDB (Database queue) adapter
  • DB: DB adapter
  • TP1: TP1 adapter
  • File: File adapter
  • ObjectAccess: Object Access adapter
  • MessageQueue: Message Queue adapter
  • FTP: FTP adapter
  • FileOperation: File operations adapter
  • Mail: Mail adapter
  • HTTP: HTTP adapter
  • Custom: Custom adapter
COMPO_ID String Reception ID of reception or service ID of service adapter
TELEGRAM_DATA CSCMsgTelegramManager Request message or response message
MONITOR_SEND_DATA Map<String, Object> Sent data storage Map
DESTINATION_DATA CSCMsgDestinationData Address information of service to be invoked#

You can acquire only in case of user-defined reception (excluding SOAP reception).

Contents of the message acquired from parameter Map are as follows:

Pass request message and response message to UOC class in API (CSCMsgTelegramManager) for acquiring a message. Acquire a message by using "#getHeader" or "#getBody"
Note that since the message is passed in byte array, you must convert Document type in case of an XML message.

Address information
You can acquire address information of the service to be invoked in case of user-defined reception except for SOAP user-defined reception. Also, at the time of request reception of user-defined reception, use API for acquisition of address information of service. You can change the service to be invoked by setting any value.
(b) Timing of invoking UOC class

Timing of invoking UOC class and its relation with the message is as follows:

Figure 4-8 UOC Timing of invoking class and its relation with message


  1. In reception, pass the request message from service requestor to UOC class
  2. In service adapter, pass the request message to be passed to a service component to UOC class.
  3. In service adapter, pass the response message returning from service component to UOC class.
  4. In reception, pass a response message from service adapter to UOC class.

When address of service to be invoked is changed, there are cases when the address output to request trace differs from the real address.
(c) Output of performance analysis trace

If you use component-common UOC, performance analysis trace is definitely output. Timing of performance analysis trace is before and after invocation of UOC class.

Format which is output to performance analysis trace file is same as performance analysis trace of J2EE server. For details on performance analysis trace file, see "7.3 Acquiring performance analysis trace file wherein Management Server is used" in "Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide".