uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


1.6 Importing repositories at the time of distributed development

When you perform distributed development in multiple development environments, you must consolidate repositories to use the developed repository in the operating environment. Implement any of the following import operations to consolidate repositories:

When you consolidate repositories in a development environment, you can set more detailed conditions as compared to those set at the time of consolidating repositories in an operating environment such as selecting items to be imported and avoiding conflict of service IDs.

When you consolidate repositories in the operating environment, the development environment used to consolidate repositories is no longer required. Therefore, you can reduce the number of machines.

For details on importing services, see "3.2.3 Importing a repository" in "Service Platform Basic Development Guide". For details on importing components, see "4.6 Adding, modifying, and deleting repositories for each component" in "Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide".

Organization of this section
1.6.1 Flow for distributed development using the import component function
1.6.2 Points to be considered for distributed development