uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


1.3.4 Functionality for managing execution logs

In the operating environment, you can manage execution logs of process instances of business processes.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Managing execution logs of process instances

(1) Managing execution logs of process instances

Manage execution logs of process instances by recording (making persistent) the execution status of process instances of a business process, as the log in the database.

(a) Searching execution logs of process instances

You can specify a condition to search the execution log of process instances. For a search key, you can use a correlation set, start date and time, or the status.

(b) Referencing detailed information of execution logs of process instances

You can reference detailed information of the execution log of process instances. You can reference the following information:

(c) Deleting execution logs of process instances

You can delete execution logs of unnecessary process instances from the database used for checking business processes. You can delete execution logs (one-by-one or as a batch) by specifying the status.

(d) Re-executing a process instance

You can check process instances of business processes that could not be processed (due to a fault or for any other reason), and then re-execute the process instances in which execution was interrupted. You can re-execute process instances (one-by-one or as a batch).