uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


1.3.3 Functionality for managing operations in the execution environment

In the operating environment, you can manage business operations in the execution environment.

When starting a business in the execution environment, stopping the business to change the configuration in the execution environment, or stopping the business because of the occurrence of an error, you can check the operating status of the business in the execution environment using the operating environment, as and when required.

The following table describes the operations in the execution environment that you can execute from the operating environment:

Table 1-2 Operations in the execution environment that can be executed from the operating environment

Operation Execution interface
Window Command
Setting up HCSC servers -- Y
Canceling HCSC server setup -- Y
Starting HCSC servers Y Y
Starting HCSC servers (batch startup in the cluster) -- Y
Terminating HCSC servers Y Y
Terminating HCSC servers (batch termination in the cluster) -- Y
Referencing HCSC server information# Y Y
Referencing HCSC server setup information -- Y
Defining HCSC servers -- Y
Checking the HCSC server definition# Y Y
Changing the HCSC server definition -- Y
Upgrading the version of HCSC servers -- Y
Starting the standard reception Y Y
Stopping standard receptions Y Y
Deploying a service adapter -- Y
Deleting a deployed service adapter -- Y
Starting a service adapter Y Y
Terminating a service adapter Y Y
Referencing service adapter information# Y Y
Deploying a business process -- Y
Deleting a deployed business process -- Y
Starting a business process Y Y
Terminating a business process Y Y
Referencing business process information# Y Y
Deploying a user-defined reception -- Y
Deleting a deployed user-defined reception -- Y
Starting a user-defined reception Y Y
Terminating a user-defined reception Y Y
Referencing user-defined reception information# Y Y
Checking the definitions of user-defined reception Y Y
Changing the definitions of user-defined reception -- Y
Checking the status for the HCSC servers, standard receptions, and HCSC components Y Y
Displaying the operating status of HCSC server resources Y Y
Running the applications -- Y
Backing up the HCSC-Manager environment -- Y
Restoring the HCSC-Manager environment -- Y
Changing service information -- Y
Checking service information Y Y

Y: Available
--: Unavailable

The information that you can reference using the window and the command is different.