uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.1 Basic procedure of invoking service components

When you set up and operate a system using Cosminexus Service Platform, you can implement a better system by understanding the flow of invoking service components from the service requester via the HCSC server, and you can achieve the desired results by applying SOA.

Also, when you develop a system by applying SOA, you must design the process for invoking service components and the process when an error occurs after understanding how the operation is to be performed.

The flow of invoking service components includes the parts that are common in all the protocols and the parts that are different in each protocol. This section describes the basic procedure for invoking service components common to protocols.

Organization of this section
2.1.1 Basic structure
2.1.2 Procedure for invoking service components
2.1.3 Flow of invoking a service component with a message format different from the service component side
2.1.4 Identification information provided in the service component invocation process