uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.3.1 Transfer of files from an FTP client to an FTP server

In this transfer pattern, you use the STOR or APPE transfer commands to send files from an FTP client to an FTP server.

This transfer pattern includes the following two types:

To use synchronous business processes
This transfer pattern returns a response to the FTP client after completing the transfer of files to the FTP server.
In this transfer pattern, you can synchronize the state of processing in the FTP client and FTP server as is the case when FTP integration is not used.

To use asynchronous business processes
This transfer pattern returns a response to the FTP client and then sends the files to the FTP server.
You can use this transfer pattern in the following cases because the response time seen from the FTP client is shortened:
  • To multicast the same information from one point to multiple points
  • To send large-sized files that exceed the non-communication monitoring time of the FTP client

The respective file transfer procedure are as follows:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Procedure of file transfer using synchronous business processes
(2) Procedure of file transfer using asynchronous business processes

(1) Procedure of file transfer using synchronous business processes

The following figure shows the procedure of file transfer:

Figure 8-4 Procedure of file transfer from an FTP client to an FTP server (When synchronous business processes are used)


The following is a description of the flow of control, data transfer, and business processes in the figure. The following numbers correspond to the numbers in the figure:

  1. The FTP client executes a transfer command (STOR command or APPE command).
  2. The FTP inbound adapter that receives the transfer command invokes the FTP reception.
  3. The FTP reception creates a work folder (a temporary folder for handling files on the HCSC server).
  4. The file data transferred from the FTP client is output to the work folder as an intermediate file.
  5. The FTP reception invokes a business process. At this time, the information received from the FTP client, such as the transfer command and name of the intermediate file, is stored in a request message and passed to the business process.
  6. The file operations adapter is invoked from the business process, and then the file operations adapter reads the intermediate file from the work folder, and performs processing such as layout conversion and code conversion.
  7. The FTP adapter is invoked from the business process, and then the FTP adapter transfers the data of the intermediate file to the FTP server.
  8. A reply activity is executed with the business process, and then a response message is passed to the FTP reception.
  9. The FTP reception deletes the work folder and the intermediate file in the work folder.
  10. The FTP reception returns a response to the FTP inbound adapter.
  11. The FTP inbound adapter that receives the response returns the execution result of the transfer command to the FTP client.

(2) Procedure of file transfer using asynchronous business processes

The following figure shows the procedure of file transfer:

Figure 8-5 Procedure of file transfer from an FTP client to an FTP server (When asynchronous business processes are used)


The following is a description of the flow of control, data transfer, and business processes in the figure. The following numbers correspond to the numbers in the figure:

  1. The FTP client executes a transfer command (STOR command or APPE command).
  2. The FTP inbound adapter that receives the transfer command invokes the FTP reception.
  3. The FTP reception creates a work folder.
  4. The file data transferred from the FTP client is output to the work folder as an intermediate file.
  5. The FTP reception invokes a business process. At this time, the information received from the FTP client, such as the transfer command and name of the intermediate file, is stored in a request message and passed to the business process.
  6. The reply activity is executed with the business process, and then a response message is passed to the FTP reception.
  7. The FTP reception returns a response to the FTP inbound adapter.
  8. The FTP inbound adapter that receives the response returns the execution result of the transfer command to the FTP client.
  9. The file operations adapter A is invoked from the business process, then the file operations adapter A reads the intermediate file from the work folder, and performs processing such as layout conversion and code conversion.
  10. The FTP adapter is invoked from the business process, and then the FTP adapter transfers the data of the intermediate file to the FTP server.
  11. The file operations adapter B is invoked from the business process, and then the file operations adapter B deletes the work folder and the intermediate file in the work folder before the business process ends.