uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


7.1.2 Monitoring processes through JP1

This subsection describes the recommended processes when you monitor service platform systems by using JP1.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Processes recommended for monitoring
(2) Points to be considered when monitoring the process

(1) Processes recommended for monitoring

The process for each logical server at the time of HCSC server startup is monitored by Manager. If failures such as process down or hang-up occur, the logical server restarts automatically. Therefore, it is recommended that you monitor the following processes at the time of monitoring service platform systems by using JP1:

The following figure shows the process configuration at the time of HCSC server startup:

Figure 7-2 Process configuration at the time of HCSC server startup


The following table lists names of the processes recommended for JP1 monitoring:

Table 7-1 Names of the processes recommended for monitoring from JP1

Process recommended for monitoring Process name
For Windows For UNIX
Management Server mngsvr.exe cjstartsv#
Administration Agent adminagentsv.exe adminagent

Monitors with the command line name (equivalent to ps -ef). An execution example is as follows:
/opt/Cosminexus/CC/server/bin/cjstartsv cosmi_m
"cosmi_m" is the default server name. When you change to a server name other than "cosmi_m", you must also change the command line name that performs the monitoring.

Also, when you use the database, it is recommended that you monitor the processes of the used database with JP1.For these process names, see the manual of each database.

(2) Points to be considered when monitoring the process

When you monitor number of processes with upper and lower limits, if you monitor with 1 as the upper and lower limit, the cjstartsv process and the adminagent process temporarily become bigger than 1, and the fault is detected. As recommended by Manager, perform monitoring without any upper limit, since Management Server and Administration Agent have a functionality to suppress multiple startups.