uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


3.1 Overview of business processes

A business process is a series of tasks in which information such as the order of executing multiple service components and processing conditions are defined.

A business process defines the processing flow in a development environment of Service Platform. The processing flow is defined in the Define Business Process window. In this window, elements known as activities are arranged, linked together with a connection, and then defined.

For details about the Define Business Process window, see 1.2.3 Process definition Window in the Service Platform Reference Guide.

This section describes the following main nine elements configuring a business process:

Organization of this section
3.1.1 Reception and response
3.1.2 Service invocation
3.1.3 Java invocation
3.1.4 Data transformation
3.1.5 ASSIGN
3.1.6 Repetition
3.1.7 SWITCH
3.1.8 FLOW
3.1.9 Standby processing