uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.14.6 Communication through proxy servers

In HTTP adapter, you can use services in an external network through the proxy server.

The following figure shows an overview of communication through proxy servers:

Figure 2-91 Communication using proxy server


JavaVM system property settings are required to connect through the proxy server. The following table describes the properties required to be set:

Table 2-43 System properties required for connecting through proxy server

Property name Specification contents
http.proxyHost Specify the host name or IP address of the proxy server. If you specify a null character, the proxy server is not connected.
http.proxyPort Set the port number of the proxy server.
If http.proxyHost is set suitably and a null character is specified in http.proxyPort, 80 number port of the host specified in http.proxyHost is accessed.
If http.proxyHost is not specified, the proxy server is not connected even if http.proxyPort is specified.
http.nonProxyHosts Specify the host name group that does not use the proxy server, if required.
Proxy server specified in http.proxyHost or https.proxyHost is not used to connect to the host specified in this property. If you specify multiple hosts, separate by "|" and set. You cannot specify a character (such as null) other than "|" between 2 host names.
https.proxyHost Specify the host name or IP address of the proxy server used in the connection according to SSL protocol.
If you specify a null character, the proxy server is not connected.
https.proxyPort Set the port number of the proxy server used in the connection according to SSL protocol.
If https.proxyHost is set suitably and a null character is specified in https.proxyPort, 443 number port of the host specified in https.proxyHost is accessed.
If https.proxyHost is not specified, the proxy server is not connected even if https.proxyPort is specified.

For details of setting methods, see "10.10 Connecting through proxy server" in "Application Server Web Service Development Guide" .