uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


4.1.1 Timers that can be set up on an HCSC server

The following figure shows the timers that can be set up on an HCSC server.

Figure 4-1 Timers that can be set up


Each number in Figure 4-1 Timers that can be set up indicates the following timers:

  1. Timer (Web Services) used when connecting to service components
  2. Timer (Session Bean) used when connecting to service components
  3. Timer (Web Services) used when connecting to the HCSC server
  4. Timer (Session Bean) used when connecting to the HCSC server
  5. Timer for transactions within the HCSC server

The method for setting up a timer differs depending on the connection destination and the protocol.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Timer (Web Services) used when connecting to a service component
(2) Timer (Session Bean) used when connecting to a service component
(3) Timer (Web Services) used when connecting to the HCSC server
(4) Timer (Session Bean) used when connecting to the HCSC server
(5) Timer for transactions within the HCSC server

(1) Timer (Web Services) used when connecting to a service component

When connecting to a service component (Web Services), you can set up timers used for writing, reading, and establishing a connection.

The methods for setting up a timeout value are different depending on whether you are using the SOAP Communication Infrastructure or the JAX-WS engine. The following describes the setup method for each case.

(a) Setting up the timeout value (SOAP Communication Infrastructure)

This subsection describes how to set up a timeout value when using the SOAP Communication Infrastructure. You can set up the timeout value for the entire HCSC server or separately for each service adapter.

(b) Changing the timeout value (SOAP Communication Infrastructure)

To define the timeout value in the operating environment for the service adapter that is already deployed on the HCSC server, use the cscsvcctl command to change the communication timeout value of the service component invocation. For details about how to change a timeout value, see 5.3.26 Changing the communication timeout value for invoking a service component in the Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide. For details about how to use the cscsvcctl command, see cscsvcctl (Managing the service information) in the Service Platform Reference Guide.

Table 4-3 Changing the set value of the timer (Web Services) (SOAP Communication Infrastructure)

Value Key name
Write timeout value cluster-name.service-ID.WebService.c4web.application.socket_write_timeout
Read timeout value cluster-name.service-ID.WebService.c4web.application.socket_read_timeout
Connection timeout value cluster-name.service-ID.WebService.c4web.application.socket_connect_timeout
(c) Setting up a timeout value (JAX-WS engine)

This subsection describes how to set up a timeout value when using the JAX-WS engine. You can set up the timeout value for the entire HCSC server or separately for each service adapter.

(d) Changing the timeout value (JAX-WS engine)

To define the timeout value in the operating environment for the service adapter that is already deployed on the HCSC server, use the cscsvcctl command to change the communication timeout value of the service component invocation. For details about how to change a timeout value, see 5.3.26 Changing the communication timeout value for invoking a service component in the Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide. For details about how to use the cscsvcctl command, see cscsvcctl (Managing the service information) in the Service Platform Reference Guide.

Table 4-6 Changing the set value of the timer (Web Services) (JAX-WS engine)

Value Key name
Read timeout value cluster-name.service-ID.WebService.com.cosminexus.csc.request.timeout
Connection timeout value cluster-name.service-ID.WebService.com.cosminexus.csc.connect.timeout

(2) Timer (Session Bean) used when connecting to a service component

(a) Setting up a timeout value

The timer (Session Bean) used when connecting to a service component can be set up for the entire HCSC server or separately for service adapters. The following describes the setup methods.

(b) Changing the timeout value

To define the timeout value in the operating environment for the service adapter that is already deployed on the HCSC server, use the cscsvcctl command to change the communication timeout value of the service component invocation. For details about how to change a timeout value, see 5.3.26 Changing the communication timeout value for invoking a service component in the Service Platform Setup and Operation Guide. For details about the cscsvcctl command, see cscsvcctl (Managing the service information) in the Service Platform Reference Guide.

Table 4-9 Changing the set value of the timer (Session Bean)

Value Key name
Invocation timeout value cluster-name.service-ID.SessionBean.c4web.application.ejb_timeout

(3) Timer (Web Services) used when connecting to the HCSC server

The timer (Web Services) used when connecting to the HCSC server is set up on the service requester machine. You can set up the timer for the entire machine on which the service requester is running or separately for service requesters.

The setup method is described separately for the cases where you use the SOAP Communication Infrastructure and where you use JAX-WS engine.

(a) Setting up the timeout value (SOAP Communication Infrastructure)

This subsection describes how to set up a timeout value when using the SOAP Communication Infrastructure. You can set up the timeout value for the entire service requester machine or separately for each service requester.

(b) Setting up the timeout value (JAX-WS engine)

This subsection describes how to set up a timeout value when using the JAX-WS engine. You can set up the timeout value for the entire service requester machine or separately for each service requester.

(4) Timer (Session Bean) used when connecting to the HCSC server

The timer (Session Bean) used when connecting to the HCSC server can be set up for the entire machine on which the service requester is running or separately for service requesters. The following describes the setup methods:

(5) Timer for transactions within the HCSC server

The timer for transactions within the HCSC server is set up for the entire HCSC server. Set up the timeout value in the EJB container of Application Server on the machine running the HCSC server. For details about parameters to be set up, see 2.4 usrconf.properties (User property file for Java applications) in the Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Table 4-10 Timer settings for transactions within the HCSC server

Value File to be set up Key name Default value (seconds)
Transaction timeout value of transactions started on the J2EE server User property file for a J2EE server (usrconf.properties) ejbserver.jta.TransactionManager.defaultTimeOut 180