uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.14.3 Relation between HTTP requests and request messages

This subsection describes the mechanism to transform from HTTP adapter request message to HTTP request.

Request messages passed from the business process are partitioned in the following manner in HTTP adapter and transformed to HTTP requests:

HTTP request setting methods and details of each item are described here.

Name space prefix is omitted in the message example described here.

Organization of this subsection
(1) HTTP request setting method
(2) Request line
(3) HTTP request header
(4) HTTP request body

(1) HTTP request setting method

(a) Setting location

HTTP request is set in the following locations for each HTTP request configuration element:

Set the request line and request header by using any location from the above 3 setting locations (You can use single locations and multiple location combinations also). Set the request body by using the request message (body) or the files in the working folder and common folder.

Figure 2-83 Example of setting HTTP request


(b) Request line and request header setting method

Set the request line and request header in 3 locations, namely request message (header), HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file, and HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file. If they are set in multiple locations, HTTP adapter is used as high priority setting and processed.

The following table describes the priority of each setting location:

Table 2-31 Request line and request header setting locations and priorities

Priority Setting location
High Priority 1 Request message (header)
| Priority 2 HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file
Low Priority 3 HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file

HTTP request setting is enabled in parameter units in each property file in the request message (header) and each property file (each element in the request message (header) and individual properties in the property file).

Each setting location contains the following features. Reduction in development efforts and easy operations are planned by matching system requirements and combining suitably.

Table 2-32 Setting locations and features of request line and request header

Setting location Features
Request message (header) Suitable for parameter definitions required to dynamically change value of each request because setting is enabled during HTTP adapter execution.
(Example) Request method and URI specification.
HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file Suitable for parameter settings decided statically during adapter development (or during operation) because fixed parameters can be set for each definition of HTTP adapter.
(Example) Specification of output destination folder during file reception (download).
HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file Suitable for setting common static parameters in the system because common parameters can be set in all HTTP adapters.
(Example) Specification of output destination of authentication information and log files.

Setting example
The method of setting HTTP request by using basic usage examples is described here.
  • Pattern 1 (issuing HTTP request that is always fixed)
    The simplest setting method to issue HTTP request that is always fixed from HTTP adapter is to set the request according to the runtime-environment property file. In this method, HTTP adapter reads the runtime-environment property file with the same name as its own service when adapter starts and issues HTTP request on the basis of the contents of the runtime-environment property file every time there is a request for request issue.

    Figure 2-84 Example of setting HTTP request (issuing HTTP request that is always fixed)


  • Pattern 2 (sharing some settings between multiple HTTP adapters)
    While sharing some settings between multiple HTTP adapters as common system parameters, setting by truncating common system parameters in the runtime-environment common property file is enabled. The following figure contains authentication information of WWW authentication for service 1 as the common parameter of adapter 1 and adapter 2 and this is defined in the runtime-environment common property file:

    Figure 2-85 Example of setting HTTP request (sharing some settings between multiple HTTP adapters)


    You can reduce development efforts by such setting methods because common parameters need not be defined in duplicate. Also, setting confirmation and change operations (in this example, setting change operation of HTTP adapter according to update of authentication information in service 1) become easy, since common parameters are uniformly managed in 1 property file.
  • Pattern 3 (dynamically setting HTTP request contents)
    If HTTP request contents are to be set dynamically while issuing a request (if request contents are to be changed according to processing status of the business process), use the request message (header) and set HTTP request. In the following figure, query information is defined in the request message (header) passed from the business process to adapter 2 and query information of the request line is generated dynamically when HTTP request is issued.
    Settings dynamically change HTTP request contents when the adapter is executed only when the request message (header) is used.

    Figure 2-86 Example of setting HTTP request (dynamically setting HTTP request contents)


    Reference note
    You can replace values in parameters defined in setting locations having low priority with setting locations having high priority (overwriting). For example, in the above figure, all adapter log output destinations are set as "E:\log" by using the runtime-environment common property file. However, for only adapter 3, the log output destination is changed to "F:\log" by using adapter-specific runtime-environment property file. You can also use such setting methods if only some HTTP adapters require exceptional settings or if operations are to be changed only for temporarily specified HTTP adapters.

Specific setting items and setting methods
For specific setting items and setting methods of request lines and request headers, see "(2) Request line" and "(3) HTTP request header".
For details on the elements you can set in the request message (header), see "3.3.13 Defining HTTP adapters" in "Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide" .
For details on properties you can set in HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file and HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file, see "HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file" in "Service Platform Reference Guide" .
For the corresponding relation between request message (header) and HTTP adapter-runtime environment (common) property file, see "2.14.13 Corresponding relation between request message (header) and HTTP-adapter runtime-environment (common) property file".

  • Runtime-environment (common) property file
    If runtime-environment property file and HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file are not deployed in the prescribed location when HTTP adapter starts, HTTP adapter operates without using the property file.
    If both runtime-environment property file and runtime-environment common property file are not deployed, HTTP adapter operates assuming that all default values for these property files are specified. Set a request if required in the request message (header) while executing adapter, since a property that does not have default value is in undefined status.
  • Request message (header)
    If specification of the header allocation variable for the request message is omitted while developing HTTP adapter, HTTP adapter operates without using the request message (header).
    If multiple header allocation variables are specified for the request message while developing HTTP adapter, the header allocation variable containing the name space of HTTP adapter request message (header) is used.
    If multiple header allocation variables containing the name space of HTTP adapter request message (header) are specified while developing HTTP adapter, there is uncertainty as to which header allocation variable is used during execution.
  • Overall other
    You can streamline system development and operations by using multiple setting locations. However, if settings are hierarchical and complicated due to requirements, it is difficult to understand which setting location parameters are used during execution. Analyze system configuration and operation service in the beginning and then design and develop so as to acquire suitable results.
(c) Request body setting method

Specify the request body in pairs of data stored in the request body and data sending types (data storage method). Set each in the following locations:

Files in request message (body) or working folder and common folder are transformed to a suitable form according to the data sending type, stored in the request body and then issued as requests. The following figure shows setting image when a request body is issued:


For specific setting items and setting methods, see "(4) HTTP request body".

For details on elements you can set in the request message (body), see "3.3.13 Defining HTTP adapters" in "Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide" .

(2) Request line

The request line described in the first line of HTTP request is sent in the following format:

HTTP methodAURIAProtocol#

A: Single-byte space.

Protocol is fixed as "HTTP/1.1".

HTTP methods and URI specification methods are described here.

(a) HTTP method

Specify HTTP method of the request line in the request message (header), HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file and HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file.

The following table describes the specification locations of HTTP methods:

Table 2-33 Specification locations of HTTP methods

Specification method Item Specification location
Request message (header) HTTP method method element
HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file, HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file HTTP method adphttp.request.method property
You cannot specify HTTP request body for the following methods:
  • GET
  • HEAD
If you use these methods, always select data type as "No data". For data types of HTTP request body, see "(4)(a) Data types".

If you cannot specify HTTP method in the request message (header), HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file or HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file, an error occurs.

(b) URI

Partition the request line URI into scheme authority, path, and query and then specify these in the request message (header), HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file and HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file.

The following table describes specification locations of URI:

Table 2-34 Specification locations of URI

Specification method Item Specification location
Request message (header) Scheme authority uri-scheme-authority element
Path uri-path element
Query uri-query element
HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file, HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file Scheme authority adphttp.request.uri-scheme-authority property
Path adphttp.request.uri-path property
Query adphttp.request.uri-query.<Additional number> property

If scheme authority and path are not specified in the request message (header), HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file or HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file, an error occurs.

If you specify "https" in the scheme part of the scheme authority, use HTTPS to communicate. However, setting is required to use HTTPS. For details, see "Appendix I Security settings required security in the HTTP adapter" in "Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide" .

An example of URI specification is as follows. The generated URI in both cases is "http://localhost:80/test/selectdata?name=sample&id=001".

(c) Query

For URI query, you can customize the detailed message format for query included in the request message (header) and then specify.

An example of specification of query is as follows:

(3) HTTP request header

You can specify any extension header for HTTP request header according to http-header element (any type) of the request message (header) and adphttp.request.header.userdef.<Additional number> property of HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file (or HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file).

You can specify any name space, since only locale name is used for element name.

If separate headers are specified in the request message (header) and HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file (or HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file), only the specification in the request message (header) is valid. The header specified in HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file is not added in the specification in the request message (header).

(a) Example of specification of HTTP header

An example of specification of HTTP header is as follows:

(b) Special HTTP header specification

HTTP header described in the following table is ignored even if specification is in http-header element of the request message (header) and adphttp.request.header.userdef.<Additional number> property of HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file (or HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file).

Table 2-35 Example of specification in special HTTP header

Header field name Description
Content-Type Specify this field in the following locations:
  • Request message (header)
    http-header-Content-Type element
  • HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file, HTTP-adapter runtime-environment (common) property file
    adphttp.request.header.content-type property, adphttp.request.header.content-type.charset property
Cookie Specify this field in the following location:
  • Request message (header)
    Cookies element
For details, see "2.14.5 Inheriting Cookie information using HTTP adapter".
Proxy-Authorization Set Proxy-Authorization header used to connect to the proxy server in JavaVM system properties.
For details, see "2.14.6 Communication through proxy servers".
Connection Set headers related to connection control such as Connection: Keep-Alive in JavaVM system properties. For details, see "2.14.7 Communication using connection continuity (Keep-Alive)".
Content-Length HTTP adapter is set automatically.
Accept-Encoding HTTP adapter is set automatically.
Authorization Specify this field in the following location:
  • Request message (header)
    http-header-Authorization element
  • HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file, HTTP-adapter runtime-environment (common) property file
    adphttp.request.header.authorization property, adphttp.request.header.authorization.type property
For details, see "2.14.10 Secure connection using WWW authentication".
(c) Points to be considered

Points to be considered when HTTP header is specified are as follows:

(4) HTTP request body

(a) Data types

You can select the data type to be sent in HTTP request body from the following details:

You can specify HTTP request body data type in the binding element of the request message (header) and adphttp.request.part.message.binding property of HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file (or HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file).

However, if files element exists in the request message (header), it will be handled as file data even if the above element (or property) is specified. Similarly, if adphttp.request.part.file.<Additional number>.input-folder-name property of HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file (or HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file) exists, it will be handled as file data even if adphttp.request.part.message.binding property is specified.

(b) Form data (normal mode)

To send form data by normal mode, customize and then specify the message format for form data provided by the service platform.

An example of specification of form data is as follows:

URL encoding occurs for the specified form data. Default character code is UTF-8.

  • For the value specified in http-body-formdata element, only the value under http-body-formdata element is valid and attributes are ignored even if specified.
  • If an element containing hierarchical structure is specified in http-body-formdata element, form data value generated by the element is not guaranteed.
  • Appearance order of form data is not guaranteed in HTTP adapter. Appearance order of form data need not always match the order specified in the request message (body).
  • For the value specified in http-body-formdata element, URL encoding occurs in the character code specified in charset attribute of Content-Type header. Always specify in the format before URL encoding.
  • If you specify form data in http-body-form data element, you cannot use an invalid character as NCName in key name of form data.
(c) Request message (body) (pass-through mode)

If data specified in the request message (body) in pass-through mode is set as is in HTTP request body, create a message format of the request message (body) that matches HTTP request body format to be sent.

(d) File data

In HTTP adapter, you can send the files in the working folder or common folder to the target server.

Working folder is a temporary folder created on HCSC server for each request by HTTP reception or FTP reception. You can only see the working folder from the business process invoked by the created reception.

Common folder is any folder created by the user during system setup. You can store files shared and used by multiple business processes.

To send file data, specify information related to file data in the request message (header) and HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file (or HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file). You can only use common folders to specify in the property files.

The following table describes the specification locations of file data:

Table 2-36 Specification methods of file data

Specification method Item Specification location
Request message (header) Working folder request ID request-id element
Used folder common attribute of input-folder-name element
Common folder definition name input-folder-name element
Name of file to be sent local-file-name element
Media type of Content-Type header field of send data http-header-Content-Type element
charset attribute value of Content-Type header field of send data charset attribute of http-header-Content-Type element
HTTP-adapter runtime-environment property file, HTTP-adapter runtime-environment common property file Working folder request ID -
Used folder -
Common folder definition name adphttp.request.part.file.<Additional number>.input-folder-name
Name of file to be sent adphttp.request.part.file.<Additional number>.local-file-name
Media type of Content-Type header field of send data adphttp.request.header.content-type
charset attribute value of Content-Type header field of send data adphttp.request.header.content-type.charset

-: There is no applicable specification location.

The following figure shows an example of file sending using HTTP adapter:

Figure 2-87 Example of file sending using HTTP adapter (while using common folder)


The value of the request message (body) passed to HTTP adapter is ignored while sending file data. Use message format for file data to store blank body data in the message format of the specified request message (body).

  • If only file element is specified in the request message (header) and no lower file element is specified, HTTP request is sent when HTTP request body is in blank status.
  • If multiple file elements are specified, the value of the element appearing first is used.
  • While sending file data, if the folder in which the file to be read or the file is not specified or if the specified folder and file do not exist, an error occurs.