uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.16.2 Overview of the custom adapter development framework

Processes performed by a General custom adapter include data transformation and protocol transformation. Among those processes, the data transformation process that is common to all custom adapters is provided with the custom adapter development framework. Therefore, the user can develop a General custom adapter by implementing the protocol transformation process.

You must separately define the data transformation.

The General custom adapter consists of a Stateless Session Bean in which the custom adapter development framework is implemented, and a protocol converter. A protocol converter is a Java class that implements the protocol transformation process.

The following figure shows the invocation of service components using a General custom adapter:

Figure 2-101 Invocation of service components using a General custom adapter (when all communications are synchronous)


Steps 1 to 7 given in the figure are described here.

  1. The HCSC server receives a request sent to the service component to be invoked via the General custom adapter.
  2. The HCSC server uses the EJB remote interface to invoke the General custom adapter implemented in the custom adapter development framework.
  3. The custom adapter development framework executes the data transformation process based on previously defined information, and then invokes the protocol converter by using the protocol converter interface.
  4. The protocol converter executes a transmission process in accordance with the protocol of the service component.
  5. The results of service component invocation are returned to the custom adapter development framework.
  6. The custom adapter development framework executes the data transformation process based on previously defined information, and then returns a response to the HCSC server.
  7. A response is returned to the service requester.

For details about developing General custom adapters by using the custom adapter development framework, see Appendix B. Custom Adapter Development Framework in the Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide.