uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.2.4 Cookie information in Web service (SOAP communication)

To invoke a service provided in SAP ERP 6.0 from a business process, the Cookie information returned by the update process must be inherited. When invoking a service other than those provided in SAP ERP 6.0, the Cookie information need not be inherited.

There are 2 methods to inherit the Cookie information while invoking a service provided in SAP ERP 6.0. One is to enable the Cookie information inheritance by specification of cookie-parsing property of HCSC runtime definition file and another is to set HTTP header name in the header allocation variable of a business process. For details on how to set HTTP header name in the header allocation variable of a business process, see "2.2.5 Inheriting HTTP header in Web service (SOAP communication)".

The following figure shows the flow of inheriting the Cookie information:

Figure 2-15 Inheriting the Cookie information in service invocation of SAP ERP 6.0


Set-Cookie header information is inherited when a service component is issued as Cookie information.

If all the following conditions for inheriting the Cookie information are met, Set-Cookie header attribute is set in Cookie header.

If conditions are not met, nothing is set in the Cookie header.

The following points give details on inheritance range of the Cookie information, inheritance conditions, and log output. Points to be considered for inheriting the Cookie information are also described here.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Inheritance range of the Cookie information
(2) Inheritance conditions of the Cookie information
(3) Log output
(4) Notes

(1) Inheritance range of the Cookie information

The range of business processes inheriting the Cookie information is described here.

  1. From the first service invocation till execution of receive activity and reply activity
  2. From the first service invocation till the business process instance ends

In the range of 1., the Cookie information is also inherited in the following cases:

However, the Cookie information is not inherited in the following cases regardless of inheritance range:

(2) Inheritance conditions of the Cookie information

The Cookie information is inherited if all the following conditions are met for information on invoking of service components and for the information on the invoked service components:

  • The Cookie information inheritance is determined by "path attribute" of Set-Cookie header specifications of SAP ERP 6.0. However, "path attribute" is not considered while using SOAP communication infrastructure (SOAP1.1 mode) and only "Host name:Port number" is considered. Host name is considered, if port number is not specified.
  • If Set-Cookie header does not contain path attribute, "path=/" is set as default value.
  • If multiple "path" attributes are set as the attribute name in Set-Cookie header, as the following example shows, operation is to be performed by considering that "path=/" is set in path attribute.
    Set-Cookie: NAME=value; path=/sap/aaa; path=/sap/bbb
  • If the Cookie information containing multiple different path attribute values is set in HTTP header, path attribute value is set in detailed order in HTTP header independent of Set-Cookie reading order.
    For example, if the next Set-Cookie header is received, "cookie:NAME3=value3; NAME2=value2; NAME1=value1" is set in HTTP header.
    Set-Cookie: NAME1=value1; path=/
    Set-Cookie: NAME2=value2; path=/sap
    Set-Cookie: NAME3=value3; path=/sap/aaa

(3) Log output

If a value above "2" is set in methodtrace-level property of HCSC server runtime definition file, log is output in method trace.

(4) Notes

(a) Unsupported specifications and attributes
(b) Version attributes