uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.2 System configuration for using FTP integration

In file transfer by FTP, the FTP client requests transfer to the FTP server, and uploads or downloads files. In this manual, the system that requests the transfer is called an FTP client, and the system that receives the transfer request is called an FTP server.

The following figure shows the system configuration in the FTP server, FTP client, and Service Platform for using FTP integration:

Figure 8-3 System configuration for using FTP integration


The elements configuring the system are as follows:

FTP inbound adapter
An FTP inbound adapter is a resource adapter that is used for operations such as processing the requests from the FTP client, authenticating the FTP client, and processing file data transfer. The requests from an FTP client are sent to an FTP reception via an FTP inbound adapter.

Connect the FTP client to the FTP inbound adapter with IPv4.

FTP reception
An FTP reception is an interface that is used to receive the requests from an FTP client. The FTP reception sends and receives files to and from an FTP client and business processes.

Business process
A business process defines activities for invoking a file operations adapter and FTP adapter.

File operations adapter
A file operations adapter is an adapter used for file operations such as file layout conversion, character code conversion, replication, and deletion.

FTP adapter
An FTP adapter is an adapter used for sending and receiving files by connecting to an FTP server.