uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.11.4 Troubleshooting design

Design the system so that you can collect the log and trace required for investigation when an error occurs.

The following table describes the log and trace types that can be collected in FTP integration:

Table 8-31 List of information collected for troubleshooting

Information type Collected contents Collected components
FTP inbound adapter FTP reception FTP adapter File operations adapter
Message log Messages such as those for HCSC server operations and those for information, warning, and error during operations are collected. Y Y Y Y
Request trace The following trace is collected:
  • Receipt of HCSC server request/ response
  • Business process invocation/ response
  • Service invocation from adapter/ response
-- Y Y Y
Performance analysis trace The trace indicating the state of progress of processing between components is collected. Y Y Y Y
User message trace The trace of user messages at the determined collection points is collected. -- Y Y Y
Maintenance log The information on the internal processing of the product is collected with the aim of isolation and investigation of error. -- Y Y Y
Protocol trace Information on the FTP commands sent and received in the control connection with the FTP client or FTP server is collected as a trace of the communication protocol of HCSC server and external systems.
You can also collect the information on the data connection as and when required.
Y -- Y --

Y: Collected.
--: Not collected.

For details on the output destination and output contents of the log and trace that you can collect for FTP integration, see "7.7.11 Troubleshooting in the FTP linkage system" in "Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide".

Reference note
To reduce the loss of time in file transfer due to slow down when using FTP integration, it is recommended that you prepare an investigative tool to be used when slow down occurs. The following table describes the checking methods:

Table 8-32 Methods for investigating slowdown in FTP integration

Assumed cause Checking method
Network delay Check with protocol trace and operation statistics for the OS.
Disk I/O delay Check with performance analysis trace and operation statistics for the OS.
Lock pending Check with the maintenance log.
Frequent retries Check with the maintenance log.
CPU problem Check with the operation statistics for the OS.