uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


2.5.1 Relationship with Reliable Messaging

You can use Reliable Messaging, which is usually used for integrating with TP1/EE, to invoke an asynchronous service component by using a database queue. (The shared receive queue and shared send queue are referred to as database queue at the TP1/EE side.)

The shared receive queue is used for the interface with the TP1/EE system of the service requester side, and the shared send queue is used for the interface with the TP1/EE system of the service component side.

Note that you cannot invoke an asynchronous MDB (DB queue) adapter from asynchronous (MDB (DB queue)) standard reception. You must always use a combination of request reception and service adapter of different protocols. The following figure shows the relationship with Reliable Messaging.

Figure 2-40 Relationship with Reliable Messaging



Note that different queues are not created in the execution environment and HiRDB. Because the queues of a database are created in the same system, the queues in the execution environment and the queues of HiRDB are the same. The database queues of the TP1/EE side are also the same.