uCosminexus Service Platform, Overview


8.11.2 Timer design

When the invocation destination becomes un-responsive, and the processing time exceeds the assumption, timer management is implemented with the aim of detecting this state and taking appropriate action.

The following table describes the list of timers used in FTP integration:

Table 8-29 List of timers used in FTP integration

Component Timer Purpose of timer management Operations in the case of timeout
FTP inbound adapter#1 Non-communication monitoring timer This timer monitors the time from the command response until the next command is issued in a control connection. The connection is closed and the FTP communication terminates with an error.
Client connection awaiting timer This timer monitors the time until the connection establishment request arrives from an FTP client, when the data connection method is Active mode. The connection is closed and the FTP communication terminates with an error.
Data reception monitoring timer This timer monitors the time required for reading the data received at one time in a data connection. The connection is closed and the FTP communication terminates with an error.
Data transmission monitoring timer This timer monitors the time required for writing the data transmitted at one time in a data connection. The connection is closed and the FTP communication terminates with an error.
FTP reception#2 FTP reception monitoring timer This timer monitors the time from the invocation of the FTP reception until the response. This is used as a precaution when the FTP reception invocation source detected the timeout previously. The timeout is detected when the FTP reception returns a response, a system exception is returned, and the processing is terminated.
Business process #3 Service invocation monitoring timer This timer monitors the time from service invocation until response. This is used as a precaution when the business process invocation source timed out previously. The timeout is detected when the response is returned from the service, a system exception is returned, and the processing is terminated.
Business process monitoring timer This timer monitors the time of the business process operations (such as data transformation) from service invocation until response. This is used as a precaution when the business process invocation source timed out previously. The timeout is detected when the service is next invoked, a system exception is returned, and the processing is terminated.
FTP adapter#4 Response monitoring timer This timer monitors the time from command transmission until response in a control connection. The connection is closed and the FTP communication terminates with an error. Thereafter, a system exception is returned and the processing is terminated.
Server connection awaiting timer This timer monitors the time until the FTP server returns a connection establishment request in the Active mode. The connection is closed and the FTP communication terminates with an error. Thereafter, a system exception is returned and the processing is terminated.
Data transmission and reception monitoring timer This timer monitors the time from the start until the end of data transfer. The connection is closed and the FTP communication terminates with an error. Thereafter, a system exception is returned and the processing is terminated.
File operations adapter#5 File conversion monitoring timer This timer monitors the conversion processing time during the partitioned reading of a large-sized file. The connection is closed and the FTP communication terminates with an error. Thereafter, a system exception is returned and the processing is terminated.
All Request response monitoring timer This timer monitors the time from the invocation of the FTP reception until the return of a response. An error response is returned to the FTP client. However, the execution continues until the running business processes are terminated.

For details on the timer management functionality of the FTP inbound adapter, see "8.5.2 Monitoring a timeout".

For details on the timer management functionality of the FTP reception, see "8.4.9 Monitoring a timeout".

For details on the overall timer management functionality of the business processes and HCSC server, see "4.1 Setting up a timer for an HCSC server".

For details on the timer management functionality of the FTP adapter, see "8.6.5 Timer management".

You can set up the timer management functionality for the file operations adapter in the file operations adapter execution-environment property file.
For details, see "File operations adapter execution-environment property file" in "Service Platform Reference Guide".