uCosminexus Application Server

Application Development Guide



Summary of amendments

Part 1: Overview of Developer

1. Overview of Application Development
1.1 Features of developing J2EE applications with Developer
1.1.1 Integrating with Eclipse to develop J2EE applications
1.1.2 Improving development efficiency with the exploded archive format
1.1.3 Performance analysis of J2EE applications by using user-extended performance analysis trace
1.1.4 Developing with a standard database
1.1.5 Easy setup of a development environment
1.2 Tools provided by Developer
1.2.1 Eclipse tools for developing J2EE applications
1.2.2 Tool for setting up the debug and Eclipse environments
1.2.3 Tool supporting the testing of J2EE applications using user-extended performance traces
1.3 Machine configuration for the development environment
1.3.1 Configuration for developing and testing on one machine
1.3.2 Configuration for developing and testing on different machines
1.4 Format of J2EE applications developed with Developer
1.4.1 J2EE applications in exploded archive format
1.4.2 J2EE applications in archive format
1.5 Procedure for developing J2EE applications
1.5.1 J2EE application development cycle
1.5.2 Procedure for developing J2EE applications
1.6 Developing other applications
1.7 Notes on using Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista
1.7.1 Operations that must be executed with administrator privileges
1.7.2 Notes on using Unicode supplementary characters included in JIS X0213:2004
1.8 Notes on the descriptions in this manual

Part 2: Using Eclipse to Develop J2EE Applications

2. Installation and Setup
2.1 Procedure for installation and setup
2.2 Installation
2.2.1 Installing Developer
2.3 Setting up the debug environment using the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality
2.3.1 Prerequisites for using Development Environment Instant Setup functionality
2.3.2 Notes on executing Development Environment Instant Setup functionality
2.3.3 Settings for the environment to be set up
2.3.4 Standard setup of the debug environment
2.3.5 Custom setup of the debug environment
2.4 Set up using the Eclipse setup functionality
2.4.1 Notes for executing the Eclipse setup functionality
2.4.2 Downloading Eclipse
2.4.3 Setting up the Eclipse environment
2.5 Eclipse settings
2.6 Changing Eclipse settings (optional tasks)
2.6.1 Proxy settings of Eclipse
2.6.2 Changing timeout settings for the socket operation block
2.6.3 Changing the console settings
2.7 Changing the settings of the debug environment
2.8 Unsetup
2.8.1 Unset up the debug environment
2.8.2 Unsetting up the Eclipse environment
2.9 Uninstalling Developer

3. Creating Database Tables for the Debug Environment
3.1 Procedure for creating embedded database tables
3.2 Installing HiRDB SQL Executer
3.3 Operating an embedded database
3.3.1 Connecting to an embedded database
3.3.2 Creating a table
3.3.3 Referencing a table
3.4 Adding and deleting an RD area
3.4.1 Adding an RD area
3.4.2 Deleting an RD area
3.5 Setting operational control of the embedded database

4. Developing J2EE Applications Using Eclipse
4.1 Using Eclipse to develop J2EE applications
4.2 Setting up Remote Management
4.2.1 Logging in and out of the remote management functionality
4.2.2 Adding a new Connection Host
4.2.3 Editing the Connection Host
4.2.4 Deleting the Connection Host
4.2.5 Notes on setting up the remote management functionality
4.3 Creating server runtime
4.4 Creating Eclipse projects
4.4.1 Creating a dynamic Web project
4.4.2 Creating an EJB project
4.4.3 Creating a utility project
4.4.4 Creating an enterprise application project
4.4.5 Modifying the module of an enterprise application project
4.4.6 Notes on creating projects
4.5 Importing resource adapters

5. Editing Definition Information
5.1 Definition information and types of files to be edited
5.2 Editing DDs
5.2.1 DDs supported by Application Server
5.2.2 Notes on editing application.xml
5.2.3 Notes on editing ejb-jar.xml
5.2.4 Notes on editing web.xml
5.2.5 Notes on specifications that are added and changed in Servlet version 2.4 or later (web.xml)
5.3 Creating and editing cosminexus.xml
5.3.1 Creating cosminexus.xml
5.3.2 Using the cosminexus.xml editor
5.3.3 Editing EJB-JAR properties
5.3.4 Editing Session Bean properties
5.3.5 Editing Entity Bean properties
5.3.6 Editing Message-Driven Bean properties
5.3.7 Editing WAR properties

6. Testing J2EE Applications
6.1 Flow of testing J2EE applications
6.2 Starting and stopping an embedded database
6.3 Creating a server
6.4 Changing the server configuration
6.5 Creating and setting up the user extended performance analysis trace setup file
6.5.1 Flow of creating and setting up the user extended performance analysis trace setup file
6.5.2 Importing the user extended performance analysis trace setup file
6.5.3 Editing the user extended performance analysis trace setup file
6.5.4 Exporting the user extended performance analysis trace setup file
6.5.5 Setting up the user extended performance analysis trace
6.6 Starting and stopping a J2EE server
6.6.1 Starting a J2EE server
6.6.2 Stopping a J2EE server
6.6.3 Notes on starting and stopping a J2EE server
6.7 Publishing a project on a J2EE server
6.8 Debugging and executing J2EE applications
6.8.1 Debugging J2EE applications
6.8.2 Executing J2EE applications
6.9 Notes on concurrently using Eclipse and tools other than Eclipse
6.10 Debugging a J2EE server started with a Server management command

7. Deploying J2EE Applications to an Execution Environment
7.1 Flow of deploying J2EE applications
7.2 Creating an EAR file
7.2.1 Creating build files
7.2.2 Editing or executing build files
7.3 Exporting the HITACHI Connector Property File
7.4 Importing J2EE applications to the execution environment
7.5 Importing the HITACHI Connector Property file to the execution environment

Part 3: Using Eclipse to developing other applications

8. Developing Web services
8.1 Prerequisite environment for developing Web Services
8.1.1 Prerequisites for developing Web services
8.1.2 Notes on developing Web services
8.2 Developing Web services starting from WSDL
8.2.1 Flow of developing Web Services starting from WSDL
8.2.2 Creating a project
8.2.3 Creating a WSDL file
8.2.4 Generating a Java source
8.2.5 Implementing a Web Service
8.2.6 Editing web.xml
8.2.7 Creating enterprise application projects and adding modules
8.2.8 Deploying and debugging J2EE applications
8.3 Developing Web services starting from SEI
8.3.1 Flow of developing Web services starting from SEI
8.3.2 Creating a project
8.3.3 Creating a Web Service implementation class
8.3.4 Generating a Java source/WSDL/XSD
8.3.5 Editing web.xml
8.3.6 Creating enterprise application projects and adding modules
8.3.7 Deploying and debugging J2EE applications
8.4 Developing a Web Service client
8.4.1 Developing Web service client using Java applications
8.4.2 Developing Web service client using Web applications
8.4.3 Developing Web service client using EJB
8.4.4 Developing a Web service client using existing Web services

9. Developing Batch Applications
9.1 Flow of developing batch applications
9.1.1 Notes on developing batch applications
9.2 Setting up the batch server environment
9.3 Creating a Java project
9.4 Adding and deleting the Cosminexus batch library in a Java project
9.4.1 Adding the Cosminexus batch library to a Java project
9.4.2 Deleting the Cosminexus batch library from a Java project
9.5 Creating batch applications
9.6 Debugging batch applications
9.6.1 Setting up the debug environment
9.6.2 Executing Debug
9.7 Executing batch applications
9.8 Forced termination of batch applications
9.9 Stopping the batch server

A. Sample Project for Checking Eclipse Operation
A.1 Overview of the sample project
A.2 Starting an embedded database
A.3 Order of executing the sample project
B. Procedure for Setting the Debug Environment without Using the Development Environment Instant Setup Functionality and Eclipse setup functionality
B.1 Installation
B.2 Setting up the system for the debug environment
B.3 Setting up an embedded database
B.4 Setting up resource adapter properties
B.5 Uninstallation
C. Values set up when Executing the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality
D. System Tuning in the Debug Environment
E. How to Collect Required Information When Failure Occurs
E.1 Collecting the configuration information
E.2 Collecting the error log
E.3 Collecting the trace log
E.4 Collecting information during the execution of the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality and Eclipse setup functionality
F. Migrating from Developer Version 9
G. Migrating from Developer Version 8(When Migrating from MyEclipse)
G.1 Migrating the projects created in MyEclipse
G.2 Resources to be migrated
G.3 WTP Procedure for migrating to WTP projects
G.4 Migrating EJB projects
G.5 Migrating Web projects
G.6 Migrating enterprise application projects
H. Migrating from Developer Version 8 (When Migrating from WTP)
I. Migrating from Developer Version 7 (When the Environment before Migration is Version 07-20 or Later)
I.1 Notes during version upgrade
I.2 Migrating the projects created in MyEclipse
J. Migrating from Developer Version 7 (When the Environment Before Migration is Earlier than Version 07-20)
J.1 Projects to be migrated
J.2 Resources to be migrated
J.3 Procedure for migrating to WTP project
J.4 Migrating the EJB-JAR project
J.5 Migrating WAR projects
J.6 Migrating EAR projects
J.7 Migrating the properties of a project
J.8 Building a project
J.9 Creating an archive file
K. Profiling Applications with JavaVisualVM
K.1 Starting J2EE applications
K.2 Starting Java VisualVM
K.3 Notes
L. Required Settings when Using JSF/JPA
L.1 Using JSF
L.2 Using JPA
M. Examples of Using JavaMail
M.1 Acquiring a Session object
M.2 Creating messages
M.3 Sending messages
M.4 Notes on specifying the e-mail address
N. Glossary
