uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


3.3.1 Connecting to an embedded database

This subsection describes how to connect to the embedded database using HiRDB SQL Executer. Note that this subsection describes the procedure using HiRDB SQL Executer with a GUI.

  1. Start HiRDB SQL Executer.
  2. In the Start menu of Windows, select Program - HiRDB SQL Executer - GUI version HiRDB SQL Executer.
    The CONNECT dialog box is displayed.


  3. Specify the following items:
    Items Specified values
    Authorized Identifier Specify the authorized identifier when setup is performed using Development Environment Instant Setup, by enclosing that authorized identifier in "" (double quotations).
    Note that the default user ID is "root".
    Password Specify the password specified when setup is performed using Development Environment Instant Setup, by enclosing that password in "" (double quotations).
    Note that the default password is "root".
    PDHOST Specify the host name of the embedded database built during setup.
    Specify 'localhost' when the setup is performed using Development Environment Instant Setup.
    PDNAMEPORT Specify the port number of the embedded database when setup is performed or settings are changed in Development Environment Instant Setup.
    If you execute Standard setup of Development Environment Instant Setup, specify '22200'.
    Specify the following items as and when required:
    Items Specified values
    Authorization Identifier and Password is Memorized Specify whether to store the authorized identifier and password.
    • Checked
      The authorized identifier and password is memorized.
    • Not checked
      The authorized identifier and password is not memorized.
  4. In the CONNECT dialog box, click the OK button.
    A connection to the embedded database is established. When connected successfully to the embedded database, Connecting is displayed in the title bar of the GUI version of HiRDB SQL Executer.
