uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


3.3.2 Creating a table

This subsection describes how to create a table using the GUI version of HiRDB SQL Executer. Note that before you create a table, connect to the GUI version of HiRDB SQL Executer as per the procedure described in 3.3.1 Connecting to an embedded database.

  1. In the SQL Input screen of the GUI version of HiRDB SQL Executer, enter the SQL statement and define a schema and create a table.
    The following is an example of schema definition.
    The following figure shows an example of creating a table:
    create table checking 
    (id varchar(3) primary key, 
    balance double precision);
    insert into checking 
    values ('001', 10000.00);
    create table saving 
    (id varchar(3) primary key, 
    balance double precision);
    insert into saving 
    values ('001', 500.00);
  2. In the GUI version of HiRDB SQL Executer tool bar, click [Figure] (Execute SQL).
    The SQL statement is executed and the table is created.