uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


6.7 Publishing a project on a J2EE server

You can publish (deploy) a created project on the J2EE server. If the server on which the project is to be published exists on a local host, the project will be published in the exploded archive format. If the server on which the project is to be published exists on a remote host, the project will be published in the archive format.

To publish a project on the J2EE server:

  1. In the Server view, select the server on which the project is to be published. In the context menu, choose Add and Remove.
    The Add and Remove dialog box appears.
  2. Select the project to be added from Available, and then click the Add button.
    The added project appears in Configured.
  3. Click the Finish button.
    The added project appears in the Server view. If the J2EE server is running, the project is automatically published (step 4 is not required).
  4. If the J2EE server is not running, select a destination server from the Server view, and then choose Publish in the context menu.
    The status of the published project appears in the Status column of the Server view.
    Reference note
    If you execute the operations in step 4, you can replace or reload the projects that are already published.
    You can also apply changes in projects such as correction of source code in J2EE applications.
Organization of this section
(1) Notes on publishing a project on a J2EE server

(1) Notes on publishing a project on a J2EE server

Note the following points when you want to publish a project on a J2EE server: