uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


8.3.6 Creating enterprise application projects and adding modules

Organization of this subsection
(1) Creating enterprise application projects
(2) Adding modules in enterprise application projects

(1) Creating enterprise application projects

Create enterprise application projects. For details on how to create enterprise application projects, see the subsection 4.4.4 Creating an enterprise application project.

(2) Adding modules in enterprise application projects

In the enterprise application project, add dynamic Web project or an EJB project for Web Services starting from SEI created in the subsection 8.3.2 Creating a project. The procedure to add a dynamic Web project or an EJB project is as follows:

  1. On the EAR Application Project page of the New EAR Application Project dialog box, click the Next button.
    The Enterprise Application page appears.
  2. Select the module to be added, and then click the Finish button.