uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


8.3.2 Creating a project

When developing a POJO Web service, create dynamic Web project to be used for the development of Web Services starting from SEI. For details on how to create a dynamic Web project, see the subsection 4.4.1 Creating a dynamic Web project.

When developing an EJB Web service, create an EJB project because the EJB Web service is included in the EJB-JAR file. For details, see 4.4.2 Creating an EJB project.

Note the following, for creating a project to be used for the development of Web Services:
  • To create a project for developing Web Services using Eclipse
    Set up the following values. If other values are specified, you might not be able to execute the Web Services.
    To create a dynamic Web project
    Set up version "2.5" or later as the Dynamic Web Module version.
    To create an EJB project
    Set up "3.0" or later as the EJB Module version.
    To create an EAR project
    Set up version "5.0" or later as the EAR version.