uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


9.4.1 Adding the Cosminexus batch library to a Java project

You add the Cosminexus batch library using the Add Library dialog box of Eclipse.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Displaying the Add library dialog box
(2) How to add the Cosminexus batch library

(1) Displaying the Add library dialog box

To display the Add library dialog box, use either of the following methods:

The procedures are described below.

(a) Displaying from the context menu
  1. In the Project Explorer view of the Java EE perspective, select the Java project for developing the batch applications.
  2. From the context menu, choose Build Path - Add libraries.
    The Add library dialog box appears.
(b) Displaying from the project properties dialog box
  1. In the Project Explorer view of the Java EE perspective, select the Java project for developing the batch applications.
  2. From the Eclipse menu, choose Project - Properties.
    The Properties: project-name dialog box appears.
  3. In the left pane of the Properties: project-name dialog box, choose Java Build Path.
    The Java Build Path page appears.
  4. Choose the Libraries tab, and then click the Add Library button.
    The Add library dialog box appears.

(2) How to add the Cosminexus batch library

To add the Cosminexus batch library:

  1. On the Add library page of the Add library dialog box, choose Cosminexus batch library from the list of libraries, and then click the Next button.
    The Cosminexus batch library page appears.
  2. Click the Finish button.
    The Cosminexus batch library used for developing batch applications is added in the build path of the Java project.
    You cannot edit an added Cosminexus batch library. In JARs and class folders on the build path on the Java Build Path page of the Properties: project-name dialog box, if you select Cosminexus Batch Library, and click the Edit button, the Edit Library dialog box appears, but even if you click the Finish button or the Cancel button in this dialog box, the Edit library dialog box is closed without any changes.