uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


6.4 Changing the server configuration

You can use a server editor to change the server configuration. To change the Cosminexus J2EE server configuration:

  1. In the Server view, double-click Cosminexus J2EE server to change the configuration.
    The Server Overview page appears.


  2. Change the following items to any value:
    Item name Explanation
    General Information You can change the server name displayed in the Server view. Do not change the runtime environment.
    J2EE Server Information You can check the display name of the J2EE server, the logical server name, and the host name of the J2EE server.
    J2EE Server Deployment You can change the directory for allocating the J2EE applications. Specify an absolute path for the directory.
    J2EE Server Ports You can change the HTTP access port and debug port used when a J2EE application is debugged from the Debug On Sever dialog box, or when a J2EE application is executed from the Execute On Server dialog box.
    You can change the debug port only when the remote J2EE server is used.
    The default value of the HTTP access port is 80. You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 65535.
    The default value for the debug port is 3999. You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 65535.
  3. Click the Management Portal tab if you are using the management portal.
    The Management Portal window appears.


Organization of this section
(1) Notes on changing the configuration of a J2EE server

(1) Notes on changing the configuration of a J2EE server

Note the following points when you change a J2EE server configuration: