uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


Appendix C. Values set up when Executing the Development Environment Instant Setup functionality

If Development Environment Instant Setup is used to custom setup the debug environment, values other than default values are set up for the keys listed in the tables from Table C-1 to Table C-6. The set values differ depending on whether you select Standard or Compact on the Select Debug Environment page of Development Environment Instant Setup for the debug environment to be configured.

Table C-1 adminagent.properties (Administration Agent property file) values

No. Key Name Debug environment settings to be created Settings
Standard Compact
1 Adminagent.hws.sys_cmd.abnormal_end.traceinfo false false Specifies whether to collect the internal trace of Web server while executing the failure detection-time command.
2 Adminagent.j2ee.process.console_event.enabled true true Specifies whether to display the console output information for the J2EE server in the Eclipse plug-in that uses the Management Server.
3 Adminagent.j2ee.sys_cmd.abnormal_end.javatrace false false Specifies whether to acquire the stack trace of the J2EE server while executing the failure detection-time command.
4 Adminagent.j2ee.sys_cmd.abnormal_end.threaddump false false Specifies whether to collect the thread dump of the J2EE server while executing the failure detection-time command.
5 adminagent.j2ee.watch.start_time 7 7 Specifies the time (unit: seconds) from the execution of the J2EE Server startup command until the confirmation of the operations.
6 adminagent.sys_cmd.abnormal_end.prftrace false false Specifies whether to collect the Trace based performance analysis file while executing the failure detection-time command.

Table C-2 mserver.properties (Management Server environment setup file) settings

No. Key Name Debug environment settings to be created Settings
Standard Compact
1 Adminagent.connector.comm.state.cache_max_time -1 -1 Specifies the maximum time (unit: seconds) to cache the state of communication with the Administration Agent.
2 com.cosminexus.mngsvr.management.connector.enabled true true Specifies whether to enable an external connection with Management Server Remote Management.
3 com.cosminexus.mngsvr.management.enabled true true Specifies whether to enable Management Server Remote Management.
4 com.cosminexus.mngsvr.management_user_account.enabled false false Specifies whether to enable a user account in the Management Server.
5 com.cosminexus.mngsvr.snapshot.auto_collect.enabled false false Specifies whether to collect the snapshot log in the event of an error or batch restart.
6 com.cosminexus.mngsvr.sys_cmd.abnormal_end.enabled false false Specifies whether to use the function that executes the failure detection-time command provided by the system.
7 webserver.connector.http.permitted.hosts localhost localhost Specifies the IP address or host name of the host that is allowed to access the Management Server and the host on which the Administration Agent runs.

Table C-3 mserver.cfg (Option definition file for Management Server) settings

No. Key Name Debug environment settings to be created Settings
Standard Compact
1 add.jvm.arg -Xms256m
Starts JavaVM by using the specified options.

Table C-4 usrconf.cfg (Option definition file for Java applications) settings

No. Key Name Debug environment settings to be created Settings
Standard Compact
1 add.class.path Developer-installation-directory\DB\CLIENT\UTL\pdjdbc2.jar Developer-installation-directory\DB\CLIENT\UTL\pdjdbc2.jar Specifies the value to be added to the class path.
2 add.jvm.arg -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=3999,suspend=n
Starts JavaVM by using the specified options.

Table C-5 usrconf.properties (User property file for J2EE servers) settings

No. Key Name Debug environment settings to be created Settings
Standard Compact
1 ejbserver.deploy.context.check_interval 1 1 Specifies the interval (unit: seconds) for detecting the application configuration file updates.
2 ejbserver.logger.systemlog.enabled false false Specifies whether to output the messages related to starting, stopping, and abnormal termination of the J2EE server.
3 ejbserver.management.JVM.stats_monitor.FullGCCount.enabled false false Specifies whether to enable the monitoring of the full garbage collection frequency.
4 ejbserver.management.stats_file.enabled false false Specifies whether to enable the resource information file output functionality.
5 ejbserver.watch.defaultRequestQueue.enabled false false Specifies whether to enable the output of HTTP request pending queue alert for the default pending queue.
6 ejbserver.watch.defaultRequestQueue.writefile.enabled false false Specifies whether to output the results of monitoring the HTTP request pending queue for the default pending queue, to a file.
7 ejbserver.watch.enabled false false Specifies whether to enable depletion monitoring of all the resources.
8 ejbserver.watch.fileDescriptor.enabled false false Specifies whether to enable the output of the file descriptor monitoring alert.
9 ejbserver.watch.fileDescriptor.writefile.enabled false false Specifies whether to output the file descriptor monitoring results to a file.
10 ejbserver.watch.memory.enabled false false Specifies whether to enable the output of the memory monitoring alert.
11 ejbserver.watch.memory.writefile.enabled false false Specifies whether to output the result of memory monitoring to a file.
12 ejbserver.watch.thread.enabled false false Specifies whether to enable the output of the thread monitoring alert.
13 ejbserver.watch.thread.writefile.enabled false false Specifies whether to output the thread monitoring results to a file.
14 ejbserver.watch.threaddump.enabled false false Specifies whether to enable the output of the thread dump monitoring alert.
15 ejbserver.watch.threaddump.writefile.enabled false false Specifies whether to output the thread dump monitoring results to a file.
16 webserver.connector.http.permitted.hosts * * Specifies the IP address or host name of the host that is permitted access to the Management Server.
17 webserver.connector.inprocess_http.enabled true true Specifies whether to enable the in-process HTTP server functionality.
18 webserver.connector.inprocess_http.init_threads 2 2 Specifies the number of request processing threads of in-process HTTP server generated when the server is started.
19 webserver.errorpage.stack_trace.enabled true true Specifies whether to output the stack trace to the default error page if an exception occurs.
20 webserver.jsp.debugging.enabled true true Specifies whether to enable the JSP debug functionality.
21 webserver.static_content.cache.filesize.threshold 512 512 Specifies the size (unit: seconds) of the file that you can cache when the static contents cache functionality is enabled.
22 webserver.static_content.cache.size 1024 1024 Specifies the maximum size (unit: seconds) of the file that you can cache in the memory when the static content cache functionality is enabled.

Table C-6 Settings for the common logical server

No. Key Name Debug environment settings to be created Settings
Standard Compact
1 additional.startcmd -nosecurity -nosecurity Specifies the option to be added to the start command.

To start the logical server, first cancel the SecurityManager and then start the logical server.