uCosminexus Application Server, Application Development Guide


3.4.1 Adding an RD area

Add an RD area using commands. To add an RD area, you need to initialize the file area for the RD area in advance. To add an RD area:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Invoking the embedded DB prompt
(2) Initialize the file area for the RD area
(3) Adding an RD area
(4) Create a table that specifies RD areas

(1) Invoking the embedded DB prompt

In the Start menu of Windows go to Cosminexus - Database Console, and invoke the embedded DB prompt.

(2) Initialize the file area for the RD area

Initialize the file area for an RD area by entering the following command in the embedded DB prompt:

pdfmkfs -k DB -n Physical file size -l Maximum number of logical files in a physical file
-e Maximum capacity extension frequency of a logical file Physical file absolute path

With the embedded database, one physical file is divided into many logical files, and is managed. The different parameters of a physical file and logical file are specified below:

(3) Adding an RD area

Add an RD area by entering the following command in the embedded DB prompt:

pdmod -a Parameter file path

Describe the following contents in the parameter file. Note that the RD area is managed in segments. One segment is equivalent to 8,192 bytes.

create rdarea "RD area name"
for LOB used by PUBLIC
extension use Number of increased segments segments
file name "Physical file absolute path\logical file name"
initial Number of initial segments segments;

(4) Create a table that specifies RD areas

Create a table by specifying the added RD areas. For details on how to create a table, see the manual HiRDB SQL Reference.